Home » BEKSİAD hosted nearly 80 thousand disaster victims until the end of Ramadan – Economy News

BEKSİAD hosted nearly 80 thousand disaster victims until the end of Ramadan – Economy News

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BEKSİAD hosted nearly 80 thousand disaster victims until the end of Ramadan – Economy News

TürkiyeContinuing its aid efforts uninterruptedly since the first day in order to heal the wounds of the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquake that stifled the city, and also providing container support to the earthquake victims. BEKSİAD, KahramanmarasDuring the month of Ramadan, he provided fast-breaking fast-breaking meals to nearly 80,000 earthquake victims with the soup kitchen he established in Istanbul, while also preparing various menus for those who are not fasting.

EarthquakeSince the first day of Turkey, it has sent clothing materials for 100 thousand people to the region and signed aid organizations including many materials from food supplies to heating needs through aid organizations. BEKSİAD Finally, the administration shared the blessings of Ramadan with the earthquake victims. Under the chairmanship of Ömer Yıldız, who examined the works in the earthquake area on site. BEKSİAD management, established in Kahramanmaraş BEKSİAD While helping to distribute food before iftar in the Aş House, they also visited other cities affected by the earthquake and listened to the earthquake victims.


BEKSİAD President Ömer Yıldız, who made a statement about the BEKSİAD fast-breaking program they organized in the earthquake zone this year, said, “We faced a disaster and pain that deeply hurt our country on 6 February. We immediately took action and organized our aid. In addition to these, we wanted to heal the wounds to some extent. We decided to have the traditional BEKSİAD iftar in the earthquake zone this year. With the participation of BEKSİAD members and our shopkeepers on Vişne Street, we made our project to meet the daily iftar and sahur of 2000-2500 people during the month of Ramadan. This project continues without any disruption. On the other hand, our people who cannot fast “We have a soup kitchen in the 12 February district of Kahramanmaraş and we serve there. There are many children here, we offer them food at noon, and of course we also have treats for people who cannot fast,” he said.

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Expressing that they examined the effects of the earthquake on site, President Ömer Yıldız said, “We wanted to see the areas affected by the earthquake and our people on site. We were in the earthquake zone for a week with our board of directors and some of our friends from the industry. We traveled almost the entire area of ​​the earthquake. What we heard and witnessed, we wanted to see the areas affected by the earthquake and our people. We saw that we had accomplished a valuable and important work,” he said.


BEKSİAD President Ömer Yıldız, who stated that they are one of the few institutions that have continued their work uninterruptedly since the day of the earthquake, and gave information about their support, continued his words as follows: “We produce children’s clothes, children’s needs are priority needs. We took action immediately on the morning of the earthquake. We have sent children’s clothes to the region. It is very important to distribute and reach the right people as much as collecting the aid here. It is important to deliver support to the region, but we know that it is also important to send the support to the right place, to the right points and through the right institutions. In this sense, a week-long cash support through AFAD We organized the campaign and it received serious support. On that occasion, we understood once again and saw that none of the clothing or support we delivered was idle and reached its destination.”

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Expressing that they also support the container city that has come to the agenda in order to heal the wounds as soon as possible, Mayor Ömer Yıldız said, “As the baby and children’s clothing industry and the association in Bursa, we launched a campaign called ‘Cherry Single Heart’. Within the framework of this campaign, we partnered with Yıldırım Municipality. We had a container project. We delivered 60 containers to Yıldırım Municipality. We also supported the container work organized on behalf of BTSO with 25. In other words, we supported 85 containers in total. There is another project apart from this study, Genç BEKSİAD will organize a program on behalf of earthquake-affected children. There will also be entertainment events for children, and we will request clothes.”


Emphasizing the importance of sustainable aid and support to the businesses in the region, President Yıldız said, “People need help to make their own daily meals in containers or tents in which they live. Projects should be made for people to hold on to life and continue. Of course, there are experts in our country. They are working for this. I think. Industry has started to work in some places, albeit a little. Every inch of our country’s land is very valuable, the people of the region want to stay in their place. Immigrants want to return to their homeland. I hope that living spaces will be rebuilt with the help of the state and citizens. Work places, industrial enterprises It should be put into operation as soon as possible. I am sure our state is working on this issue. As an NGO, we are ready to fulfill our responsibilities. It is very important for industry and businesses to get back on their feet,” he concluded.

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