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Belluno, technicians in comparison on the Anac disputes for the Polisportivo

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Belluno, technicians in comparison on the Anac disputes for the Polisportivo

The works should start in two weeks, the race will be decided shortly. Roccon: “A mistake to entrust the contracting authority of the Municipality to Vicenza”

BELLUNO. An in-depth analysis of the municipal technicians will be needed with respect to the findings made by the anti-corruption Authority on the race for the athletics track of the Polisportivo. The letter from the ANAC reached the Palazzo Rosso protocol only on Thursday and in fact managers and administrators read the news in the newspaper before receiving the information through institutional channels. The checks began yesterday morning and will be divided into several fronts, up to a confrontation between the technicians that will lead to the final opinion. There are two hypotheses: go ahead and sign the contract with the only company that participated in the tender and which should start work within two weeks, or cancel the tender in self-protection and make a new one. But in neither of the two hypotheses appeals can be excluded.

“It was evident that sooner or later we would have slipped on a banana peel,” says Franco Roccon, group leader of the Belluno Civilization – Liga Veneta Repubblica. Roccon above all disputes the choice to assign to the Province of Vicenza the task of contracting station for the Municipality of Belluno. “It is a question that I have raised several times in the council and in the commission in recent years and not just because the Municipality has to pay for this service. The Province of Vicenza was presented to us as a contracting station that operated very well and instead now we are faced with anti-corruption charges. It is true that certain appeals are very frequent, but for the contracting authority and for the Municipality of Belluno it is certainly not a pretty sight ». Roccon does not censor the intentions: “I understand the rationale, that of wanting a good job to be done and I understand that the Belluno climate requires extra attention to the materials used, but there are hundreds of athletics tracks around and it hasn’t all made the same company. I think it was possible to ask for guarantees on the laying of the material or to formulate the announcement so that the audience of companies would be more numerous. The Municipality would also have done well to consult first with FIDAL asking to know the range of suitable materials ». Roccon looks to the future: «What do we do now? The Municipality has two ways: to present its counter-observations, focusing for example on the need to have an adequate carpet, or it must redo the tender by extending the wording with a “or similar” regarding the material used, as suggested by Anac. I point my finger on the operation of the Vicenza contracting station, which is too far from us both geographically and for the morphological characteristics of the territory, but above all because all the companies that participate in its tenders are always from outside Belluno. There have been many calls: why not favor our companies? Why allow companies from outside to always win contracts, only to then take our companies as subcontractors? Behind a company there is a local economy that we cannot forget and it is surprising that Confindustria has never protested “.

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Roccon also gives another example: “There is a tender for the provision of services for which it would be enough to call five companies and get offers made. But no, we prefer to have a European race. Furthermore, we are among the very few to still foresee the maximum reduction, which reduces the earnings of companies by inducing them to use poorer materials ».

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