Home » Biella, arrives at the theory exam for the driving license driving a car: woman fined

Biella, arrives at the theory exam for the driving license driving a car: woman fined

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Fined before you can even drive. It is almost a record, albeit a negative one, achieved by a woman who presented herself for the theory exam for a driving license at the wheel of a high-powered car. “I did not know how to reach the DMV in any other way”, she tried to justify herself with the traffic police officers who, having noticed her casual arrival and having investigated the case, fined her. The only consolation is having finally passed – on the third attempt – the written test.

The protagonist of the story, which took place in Biella, is a 42-year-old of Nigerian origin. Like any other motorist, the woman arrived aboard a large-displacement car and parked in via Carso, right in front of the motor vehicle offices where she had to take the theory exam for the third time. obtain the driving license.

The aspiring motorist, residing in the Lower Biella area, did not ask himself the problem of driving despite not having a license yet.
The woman had a driving license, but she had obtained it in her country of origin and in Italy it is not valid. After two failures, it didn’t seem real to her that she had passed the test and she was so happy that, as she left the DMV offices, she cheered on the phone with her husband. The satisfaction, however, did not last long: a traffic police officer, who had noticed her parking on her arrival, subjected her to the necessary checks and discovered that the license had yet to be obtained.

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“Usually, when the exams take place, we are present to check that everything goes smoothly. It happens sometimes that people show up for tests with microphones or audio supports – explains the Biella traffic police – The lady was among the ‘other owner of the car and when we stopped her at the exit she candidly replied that she had found no other way to get to the city than to drive the car herself and reach the examination center “.

It wasn’t even the first time he got behind the wheel, as he later explained to the agent. She had also done so on other occasions for family needs, such as when she had to go to the pharmacy because one of the two children was sick and urgently needed medicine. Since that, however, was the first time she was pinched, the almost motorist got away with a fine of a few hundred euros. After the theoretical test, therefore, he will also support the practical one and, once he has passed the exam, he will finally be able to drive in good standing.


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