Home » Big twist!Strong winds, sand and dust and strong convection hit the northern Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei areas and other local winds may exceed level 10 – Information

Big twist!Strong winds, sand and dust and strong convection hit the northern Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei areas and other local winds may exceed level 10 – Information

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Big Twist! Strong Winds, Dust, and Strong Convection Hit Northern Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Regions with Winds Exceeding Level 10

According to the China Weather Network, a major weather event is set to hit the northern Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei regions today and tomorrow. Strong winds, dust, and strong convection are expected, with winds exceeding level 10 in some areas.

The cold air impact will bring significant changes to the weather pattern in northern China, replacing the previous sunny and warm conditions with strong winds, cooling, sand and dust, and strong convection. Thunderstorms and strong winds may occur in Northeast China, North China, and other areas, with winds reaching level 11 locally.

Meteorological analyst Zhang Juan from the China Weather Network advises the public to be highly vigilant about possible disasters caused by strong winds and to avoid going out during periods affected by strong convection. In addition to strong winds, thunderstorms, and hail may occur in North and Northeast China, prompting local areas to be on alert for severe convective weather.

The cold air will briefly interrupt the recent wave of warming in the north, causing temperatures to drop in many areas. However, the cooling is expected to be short-lived, as a new wave of sunny and hot weather will return from the 11th to the 14th, with temperatures rebounding quickly.

The China Weather Network urges the public to stay updated on the latest forecasts and warnings from local meteorological departments, and to take precautions against potential damage from strong winds. Stay informed by following the “China Weather Network” WeChat official account, “China Weather” Weibo, and “China Weather” Douyin.

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Stay safe and stay informed as the northern regions brace for the impact of strong winds and severe weather conditions.

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