Home » Bobby Kotick has left Activision Blizzard, now it’s official

Bobby Kotick has left Activision Blizzard, now it’s official

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Bobby Kotick has left Activision Blizzard, now it’s official

It won’t be missed

We were talking about unflattering testimonies: in these hours the journalist Jez Corden wrote a post in which he reports on not having found a single person among current and former Kotick employees ready to say positive words towards the former CEO of Activision Blizzzard.

This man was hatedand it seems he’s more than earned the hate he’s been getting,” Corden wrote. “It’s the dawn of a new era for Activision Blizzard under the Xbox umbrella, but I don’t know if Xbox is counting the damage that Kotick caused.”

“I’m referring to consequences that his actions have had on employees and the company’s reputation. Some of the stories I’ve heard are depressing, and they are by no means the worst things that have been reported about his management.”

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