Home » Bolognesi writes to Draghi: “The appointment of De Pasquale as superintendent of the State Archives can compromise the truth”

Bolognesi writes to Draghi: “The appointment of De Pasquale as superintendent of the State Archives can compromise the truth”

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BOLOGNA – Paolo Bolognesi appeals to Mario Draghi to stop the appointment of Andrea De Pasquale as Superintendent of the Central State Archives, because “such a central position for the transparency of our democracy” (the Superintendent of the Central State Archives is one of the main responsible for the correct implementation of the declassification of the papers relating to massacres and attacks) should not be “entrusted to a person who certainly has the titles, but not the vision and depth that should characterize his role”.

Bolognesi is the president of the association of relatives of the victims of the Bologna massacre and also leads the Union of relatives of victims of massacres). That appointment, Bolognesi wrote to the Prime Minister, has nothing to do. And “if this were not the case, I must think that in fact there is no desire to clarify the background of the massacre and massacres in general, on the collusion of the apparatuses, of who the gladiators were, of their ‘enterprises’ and much less of the various political and terrorist implications of the infamous P2 lodge “. Therefore, to the ‘disappointments’ for the ways in which the so-called Renzi Directive was implemented for the declassification of papers and documents on the massacres in Italy, and to the doubts for those of the Draghi Directive announced last August 2 from the stage of the commemoration of the massacre now this sore point is added. The name of De Pasquale is not convincing due to the precedent of the acquisition of the Rauti archive, a leading exponent of neo-fascism, by the National Central Library of Rome, of which De Pasquale was director, because “he showed or in any case endorsed an attitude of scarce scientific autonomy and complacency towards the Rauti family and his political side and his heirs “, Bolognesi then reports to Draghi and this” raises serious concerns “now that he is about to assume the” very delicate “role of Superintendent of the Central State Archives. Because in that capacity he is “one of the main responsible for the correct implementation of the Renzi directive” and this “requires a strong constitutional sensitivity and courageous autonomy with respect to the numerous political pressures that can hinder the implementation of the initiative”. But precisely there is the precedent that does not leave the relatives of the victims calm.

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Bolognesi recalls that the Ministry of Cultural Heritage had to intervene by removing some official press releases relating to the Rauti archive event and also said that “one thing is the choice of the State Central Library, taken within the scope of its scientific autonomy, to accept a donation by the heirs to be made available to historians and scholars, it is quite another thing to accompany it with unacceptable evaluations and judgments, especially in the institutional sites of the ministry “. Bolognesi adds that, “prompted by the association of the relatives of the victims of Piazza Fontana, Dr. De Pasquale had a curious attitude: he apologized, but did not recognize any problems in the communication and presentation of the Rauti collection”. In short, his attitude was “such as to compromise in the eyes of many the correctness of a prestigious institution such as the National Central Library” and now his new appointment should be avoided, insists Bolognesi.

“In the aftermath of the 41st anniversary of the massacre of August 2, 1980, where, at the hands of fascist terrorists colluded with the leaders of our secret services and inspired and paid by the leaders of the P2 Masonic lodge, 85 people died and more than 200 were injured , and after the great appreciation reserved to our association for the forty-year battle for the truth, I am obliged to write to you to ask you to avoid that such a central task for the transparency of our democracy is entrusted to a person who certainly has the qualifications , but not the vision and depth that should characterize its role. If this were not the case, I must think that in fact there is no desire to clarify the background of the massacre and massacres in general, on the collusion of the apparatuses, of who they were the gladiators, of their ‘exploits’ and even less of the various political-terrorist implications of the infamous P2 lodge “. If De Pasquale’s appointment were not stopped “it would be a profound regret for our association and for many other citizens, families, experts and historians who have been fighting in this direction for years”.

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