Home » Burma, USA: military committed genocide against Rohingya

Burma, USA: military committed genocide against Rohingya

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Burma, USA: military committed genocide against Rohingya

US Secretary of State Blinken will declare it today

(ANSA) – WASHINGTON, 20 MAR – The Biden administration intends to declare that the repression of the Rohingya Muslim minority by the military junta in Burma was a “genocide”. US officials told the Washington Post.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected to announce this later today at an event at the American Holocaust Memorial. The definition of “genocide” by itself will not involve any additional measures against Burma by Washington, which has already inflicted heavy sanctions on the country.

But it could put pressure on the government, which is already facing a charge of genocide by the International Criminal Court in The Hague. (HANDLE).

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