Home » Business liquidity, ok by the regional council to the credit support measure

Business liquidity, ok by the regional council to the credit support measure

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3 million euros have been allocated to support Valle d’Aosta operators who use credit

The Valle d’Aosta regional council today approved the application provisions for the contributions, provided for by regional law n ° 15/2021, in favor of the liquidity of businesses and freelancers.

By involving credit guarantee consortia, the measure supports operators who use credit due to the liquidity crisis due to the Covid-19 health emergency.

The law allocates 3 million euros and the amount of the contribution is determined by the individual Confidi on the basis of the loans guaranteed for the financial rebalancing for the renegotiation of existing loans, extinction and credit lines and the adoption of debt repayment plans and contextual financing for productive and infrastructural investments. The contribution can cover up to 6% of the financed amount and up to 15 thousand euros per beneficiary.

Applications can be submitted by companies and freelancers with headquarters or local units located in Valle d’Aosta to credit guarantee consortia (Alpifidi and Confidi Centro Nord) by 12 November, with reference to loans approved by banks by 29 October 2021.

“The contributions are granted within the limits of the financial resources available on the regional budget – explains the Department of Finance, Innovation, Public Works and Territories – and, if they are not sufficient to satisfy all the requests received, the amount of the grant that can be granted each individual company will be reduced proportionally on the basis of the sums actually available, compared to the total value of the applications received “.

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