Home » Calabria: Ventura is a candidate, but controversy is sparking in the center-left coalition

Calabria: Ventura is a candidate, but controversy is sparking in the center-left coalition

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No doubt about it, Calabria’s labor never ends, even when the parties agree and local feuds are silenced. This time the peace on the left did not last a day: when in the morning Enrico Letta, Giuseppe Conte and Roberto Speranza are about to announce the joint candidacy of the entrepreneur Maria Antonietta Ventura for the presidency of the region, the outbreaks of the controversy are already crackling on the coalition prairie . Meanwhile, right on the perimeter, enlarged to socialists and civic lists, but restricted to the left: Leu splits and Fratoianni disassociates himself: leaving alone Art.1 of Hope in an enclosure from which the Sardines also escape, cheering for the champion of ‘ anti-mafia, Enzo Ciconte of the Pd. Burned to save the candidacy of Nicola Irto, a young forty-year-old from the Democratic Party, then sacrificed to snatch an agreement with the 5 stars. In short, a superfine chaos (amplified by the Renzians, left out of the game) which for once is opposed by a right pacified by the candidacy of Roberto Occhiuto.

“Ventura is the best personality to reconcile momentum in values ​​and pragmatism,” say the three center-left leaders. “I am stunned, I accepted immediately, I have to get involved”, says the candidate: president of Unicef ​​Calabria, born in 1968, a family of entrepreneurs, a group that supplies armaments for the railways, a brother involved in a judicial investigation by hypothesis of administrative offenses and a risk of conflict of interest, so much so that he will give up the office of president of the company. It seems she is a supporter of the Democratic Party who, vehemently fought against the mistakes of the past. However, they remain in vogue, given that at the Nazarene there was a summit to appease the intemperance of the local potentates, offended by the descent from above of this candidacy: Enrico Letta absent, to keep them at bay Francesco Boccia had to think about it, local authority manager. “The whole party was informed, including those who are agitated,” they say to the Nazarene, “it is a name that everyone has agreed”. But certainly not the Sardines: “Ventura is a solution to the downside, we asked for courage and vision, we got a solution without a political perspective, reiterating a losing pattern of old logic of power,” says Jasmine Cristallo, national spokeswoman from Calabria, disconsolately. Letta, on the other hand, considers the group photo of Calabria a blessing: to relaunch a coalition image somewhat faded by Conte’s “frosts” on the non-structural alliance and by fears of a detachment of the 5 stars from the Draghi government. But that’s another story …

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