Home » Canada: What is the “population trap” it faces and how it can affect those planning to migrate to the country

Canada: What is the “population trap” it faces and how it can affect those planning to migrate to the country

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Canada: What is the “population trap” it faces and how it can affect those planning to migrate to the country

The Impact of Immigration in Canada’s Population Growth

The diversity of immigration in Canada has been a driving force behind the country’s rapid population growth, reaching a historical record of over 40.5 million in 2023. With an open-door immigration policy, Canada has welcomed talents and abundant labor, particularly from Latin America, energizing the country’s economy.

In recent years, Canada has become one of the fastest-growing countries in the world due to immigration. In 2023, the population grew by 3.2%, outpacing the growth of the economy. While immigration has contributed positively to economic growth, it has also led to a phenomenon known as the “population trap.”

The “population trap” occurs when a country’s population grows rapidly, but its economy cannot sustain the same rate of development, leading to a lack of jobs, pressure on public services, and a housing shortage. In 2023, Canada’s population growth far exceeded the construction of new homes, leading to extreme pressure on housing inflation.

The Canadian government has taken steps to address the challenges posed by rapid population growth. The Housing Accelerator Fund, launched in 2022, aims to encourage greater construction of residential buildings in cities, with a goal of adding 100,000 additional units throughout the country in the coming years.

In addition, the government has imposed a new limit on the number of new visas for international students to 360,000 for two years from 2024, representing a 35% cut compared to 2023. The reduction in the quota will be distributed among the provinces based on their capacity to provide accommodation to new residents.

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Furthermore, a pilot program has been introduced to encourage new immigrants to settle in rural areas and the north of the country, spreading the population more evenly throughout the country.

Despite these initiatives, experts remain skeptical about whether the government’s measures can fully alleviate the effects of the population explosion and the housing shortage. The immigration phenomenon in Canada continues to pose significant challenges to policymakers as they strive to balance economic growth with infrastructure and housing development.

As Canada grapples with the implications of its population growth, it remains to be seen how these policies will shape the future of immigration in the country.

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