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Central Political and Legal Work Conference Held

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Guangming Daily, Beijing, January 16 (Reporter Chen Huijuan)From January 15th to 16th, the Central Political and Legal Work Conference was held.

2021 is a landmark year in the history of the party and the country. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the political and legal organs and police officers across the country insisted on learning and educating the Party history throughout the year, taking new solid steps in the new era and new journey. In 2021, the people’s satisfaction with Ping An Construction will reach 98.62%, and “social security and stability” will rank first among the things that young people are most proud of as Chinese; Gallup, a well-known foreign polling agency, released the 2021 Global Law and Order According to the report, China ranked second.

The meeting concluded that in the past year, the Party’s absolute leadership over political and legal work has continued to be strengthened, the service and guarantee of high-quality economic development have achieved remarkable results, the miracle of long-term social stability has continued to write a new chapter, the modernization of social governance has been accelerated, the construction of the rule of law in China has been accelerated in an all-round way, and political and legal progress has been accelerated. The reform in the field has been advanced in depth, and the education and rectification of the political and legal teams has achieved practical results.

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The conference researched and deployed the political and legal work in 2022, which is mainly divided into five aspects:

First, we must unswervingly put the maintenance of national political security in the first place, and resolutely safeguard the security of national power, system, and ideology.

Second, we must unswervingly advance the modernization of social governance. Adhere to and develop the “Fengqiao Experience” in the new era, and prevent and resolve conflict risks from the source. Regularly carry out the fight against gangsters and evil, and focus on solving outstanding problems that affect the people’s sense of security. In terms of the modernization of municipal social governance, the meeting pointed out that the first batch of pilot areas should be checked and evaluated in an orderly manner according to the steps of “pilot pre-assessment, provincial preliminary review, and central review”. At the same time, the meeting emphasized the need to strengthen the work of righteousness and courage in the new era, and encourage the whole society to participate in the construction of peace.

Third, we must unswervingly give play to the role of the rule of law in guiding, regulating, and guaranteeing, and serve the high-quality economic and social development with high-quality rule of law. In terms of promoting the in-depth implementation of the Civil Code, the meeting pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen law enforcement and judicial work in the fields of personal rights, property rights, personality rights, especially personal information protection. Efforts will be made to strengthen the supply of law enforcement and justice, and better optimize the business environment. It is necessary to speed up the construction of intellectual property protection systems in new fields, new formats and applications, strictly implement the punitive compensation system, and improve the legalization of intellectual property protection work; it is necessary to strengthen anti-monopoly, anti-profiteering, anti-high prices, anti-malicious speculation, and anti-unfair competition. Judicial efforts in other fields to promote the improvement of relevant laws and regulations.

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In view of the shortcomings in the foreign-related rule of law, it is necessary to accelerate the cultivation of a number of foreign-related legal service institutions with strong international competitiveness, and to build a high-level international commercial arbitration center. The expansion of law enforcement and judicial cooperation should be included as an important issue in the construction of bilateral and multilateral relations.

Fourth, we must unswervingly promote the breadth and depth of political and legal reform, and continuously improve the socialist political and legal system with Chinese characteristics. Improve and improve the functional system of political and legal institutions, further promote the pilot reform of the positioning of the trial-level functions of the four-level courts, comprehensively promote the reform of the internal organs of the procuratorial organs and the construction of case-handling organizations, and actively and steadily promote the reform of the police system in major departments of the city and county public security organs. To improve the operation mode of law enforcement and judicial power, it is necessary to further optimize the allocation of law enforcement and judicial powers, refine the list of positive and negative powers of law enforcement and judicial personnel and the guidance system for the performance of duties, optimize the links of investigation, procuratorial, trial, and enforcement, criminal, civil, administrative, and public interest litigation. The operation mode of case-handling authority in various fields. To improve and perfect the litigation system, we must fully implement the revised Civil Procedure Law, promptly issue relevant judicial interpretations and supporting policies, and build a three-dimensional, multi-level, and refined civil procedure system. At the same time, it is emphasized that a modern public legal service system that covers urban and rural areas, is convenient and efficient, and is equally inclusive will be basically formed this year.

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Fifth, we must deeply understand the importance of promoting comprehensive and strict management of the party and the police, consolidate and deepen the political construction formed by the education and rectification of the political and legal teams across the country, upright conduct and discipline and anti-corruption, quality training, positive incentives, and system construction achievements, and strive to forge a A loyal, clean and responsible political and legal iron army.

“Guangming Daily” (03 edition on January 17, 2022)

责编:袁晴 ]


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