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Childcare: “Country must participate more in the future”

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Childcare: “Country must participate more in the future”

Since 2018, parents have had to pay between 46 and 119 euros per month for after-school care for their children. This tariff is called the parental contribution. The mayors of the three statutory cities of Linz, Wels and Steyr are enraged that this is not adjusted to inflation according to the decree of the Education Directorate.

The regulation is “unacceptable,” said Linz Mayor Klaus Luger (SP) yesterday. The letter points out that the non-adjustment has financial implications for the communities, “but not to what extent,” said Luger, who also heads the association of cities. Extrapolations would have shown that up to four million euros in income would be missing. The situation is aggravated because the planned increase in the state contribution does not cover the additional costs. The efforts of the communities would be “taken ad absurdum”. The ordinance “does not contribute to improving Upper Austria’s reputation in terms of childcare.”

The mayors criticize the country: Luger, Rabl and Vogl. Image: VOLKER Weihbold

Wels Mayor Andreas Rabl (FP) would like talks with the state. This must “participate more in childcare in the future.” “We support every measure that helps families in this difficult phase,” said Steyr Mayor Markus Vogl (SP). The fact that the country “simply decrees and burdens the municipalities is unacceptable.”

The mayors criticize the country: Luger, Rabl and Vogl. Image: VOLKER Weihbold

Yesterday, Neos club chairman Felix Eypeltauer renewed his demand for a group size of ten children and a legal right to a childcare place.

The deputy governor Christine Haberlander (VP), who is responsible for childcare, did not react to the criticism yesterday. She celebrated the “next step on the way to Kinderland No. 1”, the introduction of the new job profile of “educational assistant”. This ensures that “cities, communities and providers can attract even more people to this beautiful profession.”

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Michael Schäfl

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Michael Schäfl

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