Home » Children’s Museum and Co: ÖVP wants family focus for Linzer Landstrasse

Children’s Museum and Co: ÖVP wants family focus for Linzer Landstrasse

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Children’s Museum and Co: ÖVP wants family focus for Linzer Landstrasse

There has been a lot of discussion in the past about how country roads can be made more attractive. The deputy mayor responsible for transport, Martin Hajart (VP), now wants to transform the southern part of the country road into a family zone with more opportunities for exercise and play. “This gives a positive frequency and ultimately also purchasing power,” he is convinced.

On the one hand, this approach should be incorporated into the new city center concept (this will be created by autumn 2024), and on the other hand, short-term and temporary measures could be taken beforehand. Hajart wants to think big about this family focus: from children’s play and exercise stations to a family café, more seating and even childcare while the parents go shopping.

A special concern of Hajart is a children’s museum with exercise, play and craft rooms; the Schillerpark complex would be an ideal location. Things have become very quiet about its redesign in recent years, but Hajart sees the city center concept as requiring the city to think about the development potential there. The Viennese “Zoom” will serve as a model for the children’s museum; potential cooperation partners could be the AEC and the Kuddelmuddel.


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