Home » Classical High Schools of Vasto and Ostuni: a twinning that works!

Classical High Schools of Vasto and Ostuni: a twinning that works!

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Classical High Schools of Vasto and Ostuni: a twinning that works!

On Saturday 15th April the second phase of the “twinning” between the “Pantini Pudente” classical high schools in Vasto e “Pepe Calamo” of Ostuni.

I want to share some thoughts.

The purpose of a twinning between educational institutions is to create links in order to develop cultural relationships, establish collaborative relationships, create opportunities for exchanges and comparisons on teaching, on the choice and structuring of training courses and offers.

During our students’ stay in Ostuni, from 6 to 9 March, we visited ancient villages, we walked along millenary Neolithic paths, we admired expanses of centuries-old olive trees and junipers.

In turn, the students from Ostuni who we subsequently hosted in Vasto admired the beauties of our city and its historic centre. They walked in the greenery of Punta Aderci and admired the flora and fauna in the dunes of the Marina reserve.

To prepare for the meeting, the students of our Liceo Classico reread and deepened the history of their city, trying to prepare and offer a form of tourism that was sustainable and respectful of the environment.

Let us ask ourselves: what is a (true) twinning?

It is certainly an intriguing didactic project, a new way of doing school that combines knowledge and the construction of knowledge, a didactic approach that favors the development of skills.

A twinning is all this and more.

Its true purpose is the building of bonds which in turn can become an opportunity for meeting, knowledge, comparison and acceptance. There is no twinning but only yet another didactic project if it does not favor human relationships between subjects.

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When we said goodbye, we exchanged gifts and hugs. With Roberta, Aurelia, Eleonora, Giovanni and all the others we parted with a goodbye at a next meeting.

Dutiful and heartfelt thanks to the manager Anna Orsatti, to the teachers Esther Basile e Paola Sacchettito the mayor Francis Mennato the assessors Nicholas Della Gatta e Anna Boscoat the Parsifal Cooperative e all’Friends of the Golden Fleece Association.

Prof. Grazia D’Auria
“Pantini Pudente” Classical High School in Vasto

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