Home » Committee of Inquiry about Scholz? Lindner (FDP) does not see Scholz endangered by the committee of inquiry

Committee of Inquiry about Scholz? Lindner (FDP) does not see Scholz endangered by the committee of inquiry

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Committee of Inquiry about Scholz?  Lindner (FDP) does not see Scholz endangered by the committee of inquiry

There should be a committee of inquiry against Chancellor Olaf Scholz because of the Cum-Ex affair. Christian Lindner from the FDP does not see Olaf Scholz at risk. In his opinion, Olaf Scholz’s actions at the time would remain unobjectionable.

Lindner: Scholz’s actions unobjected

“Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) sees no danger for Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) from the investigative committee announced by the Union in the case of the Hamburg Warburg Bank. “I assume that Olaf Scholz’s actions at the time cannot be criticized,” Lindner told the “Rheinische Post”.

The CDU/CSU parliamentary group wants to apply for a parliamentary committee of inquiry in the Bundestag to examine, among other things, the credibility of statements by former Hamburg mayor Scholz. In the Hamburg Parliament there is already a committee of inquiry on the subject. Scholz has already been questioned there several times. The committee of inquiry examines the background to how the Hamburg tax authorities are dealing with the tax claims from cum-ex transactions by the private bank in general and the role of Scholz in particular. The SPD politician was head of government in Hamburg at the time in question.”

Report with material from the dts news agency

Photo: Olaf Scholz, via dts news agency

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