Home » Compliment leads to brutal attack – two men injured

Compliment leads to brutal attack – two men injured

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Compliment leads to brutal attack – two men injured

The strangers brutally attacked the men. (icon picture) Photo: imago images/STPP/ via www.imago-images.de

Two 24-year-olds meet a group of six on Saturday night, including two women. When one of the two compliments the women, the four men brutally attack the 24-year-old – the police are looking for witnesses.

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Previously unknown perpetrators killed two 24-year-old men in the area of ​​the Eckensee on Saturday night Stuttgart center brutally attacked and severely injured. This was probably preceded by a compliment that one of the victims had made to two women who were in the group of perpetrators. The police is now looking for witnesses.

As the officials report, the two victims were walking on a footpath at the Eckensee at around 2:50 a.m. when they met a group of six, including two women. One of the 24-year-olds apparently complimented the two women on their looks. The situation then quickly escalated. The women’s four male companions began to violently beat the two men. Even when those attacked were already lying on the ground, the unknown kicked the victims’ heads and faces. Only when the attackers noticed that a witness police informed, they let go of the victims and fled.

Both of the injured had to be taken to hospitals to be treated for their injuries. The four perpetrators are said to be between 18 and 20 years old. One of them wore a dark down jacket. Apparently they spoke to each other in Russian. The two women who were with her had a lot of make-up on them and wore a black and a white fur coat. The criminal police are now looking for witnesses on 0711/8990-5778.

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