Home » Conegliano, the teacher hired “by piece” wins at the Tar. But the school doesn’t pay

Conegliano, the teacher hired “by piece” wins at the Tar. But the school doesn’t pay

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Conegliano, the teacher hired “by piece” wins at the Tar.  But the school doesn’t pay

Teacher from Conegliano “paid by the piece” winner in front of the labor judge has been waiting for the payment of his salary for four years: “I am speechless with indignation, it is not possible to understand why a sentence is not respected”, attacks Michela Gallina, Gilda Treviso. The 56-year-old teacher, at the time of the facts assigned to a primary of the Comprensivo 3 di Conegliano, had been paid for a school year (2018/2019) 1,578.80 euros net instead of 8-9,000, a figure not well defined ” since to date the school has not communicated the counts ». In April 2021 she had won a case against the Ministry of Education at the Court of Treviso: she had accepted a proposal for a replacement contract for 12 hours a week, then found herself signing 15 contracts for temporary two-day replacement. “But the teacher was required to attend meetings on days when she wasn’t hired. An extremely penalizing solution: piecework was authorized », explained Gallina after the favorable sentence.

Not receiving the due, the teacher, a year later, turned to the TAR to order the full execution of the sentence of the labor judge. The administrative court accepted the request, ordering the school and the regional school office to make the payment within 90 days. Which, however, have already passed.

«Despite the reminders, the teacher is still waiting», urges Gallina, who with Gilda supported her in the judicial process, «the situation takes on paradoxical contours».

The story of the teacher from Conegliano is incredible even according to the school operators of the Conegliano 3 Comprehensive Institute. The school, in fact – also following the sentences – fully recognizes the teacher’s right to be paid the approximately 8-9 thousand euros due, but so far it has been blocked by the lack of adequate transfers.

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“I will call the provincial school office on Monday to understand how to find a solution, because on the one hand the teacher is entitled to that money, but the school cannot remain with a shortfall in the budget for two years”, explained the new director. of the Comprehensive Institute 3 of Conegliano, Giovanni Pucciarini. The school had in fact turned to the ministry to ask for the funds necessary to make the payment, but without obtaining consent. Hence the delays and the waits, up to the ruling of the Tar which gave the school 90 days to make the payment. Time period already expired.

Now the Gilda union is back in charge bringing the whole affair to attention.

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