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Confiding in yourself strengthens Enthusiasm

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Confiding in yourself strengthens Enthusiasm

“Faith put into action allows us to regain self-confidence.”
Carlos Melo Freyle
Book Wake Up That Something

The word trust comes from Latin confidinethat means con fe. When you believe in yourself, when you do it with enthusiasm, your great faith gives your spirit the strength to become an incredible man, as happened with Dr. David Banner, who after the death of his wife in a car accident Transit dedicated himself to searching for scientific explanations as to why other people in similar situations drew incredible strength to save their loved ones, but for him it was impossible. Sure, a scientist is convinced that he cannot lift a vehicle of 1.2 tons or more, but a mother with faith and determined to save her child can do it.

Faith increases the adrenaline in our body and allows a person to exert superhuman effort. Let us always keep in mind the lesson that Jesus of Nazareth imparts to his disciples: “If you have faith like a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain: Move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20-21). Doctors Fox in their book Wake up, you’re alive! A medical prescription to live healthier through positive thinking They explain that believing is the eye of the spirit, and for this reason they specify: “What you see (what you believe) is what you receive. If you see health, happiness and success, your spirit will respond to that grand vision, setting in motion biochemical events that lead to greater energy, productivity and health..”

The above is essential to internalize, understand and record in your unconscious, because it does not matter how much money you have, nor your academic level, nor your gender, nor the color of your skin; What matters is confidence in yourself, that is the key to success. And it is necessary to clarify that believing in oneself is not selfish and egocentric arrogance; Simply put, it is recognizing, calmly but firmly, that you are important. And to be important is to become aware of your worth, of how wonderful you are, because we should not worry about being important to others, but rather being important without depending on anything or anyone. We are important for the mere fact of being alive.

Robert L. Shook and Hebert M Shook in the book How to be the complete professional salesperson They argue that “By studying the lives of those people who have managed to fully succeed we can discover that they possess a certain degree of boastfulness, an aura of confidence, a sense of adventure and a strong pride. They are people of action. They think positively and therefore also act positively; That is, they have a very positive image of themselves… and it is precisely this image that they project to everyone around them. Their mental image constantly accompanies them everywhere; determines the type of person others think you are; And, more importantly, it determines the type of person you really are..”

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Every person’s life is influenced and shaped by their opinion of themselves. The advances that have been made in the psychology of behavior warn us that “man is what he believes”. But how can a person believe 100% in himself at all times? According to Dr. Fox’s response, that is difficult to do. And for this reason they recommend: “If you believe in yourself 51%, 51% of the time, you’re off to a good start. 51% is enough to change your behavior, enough to get you moving, walking and talking as if you are already successful. Your new behavior will be reflected in better mental and physical health, encouraging you to believe even more. Start believing in yourself today.”

David Joseph Schwartz endorses the above, when he writes in his book The magic of thinking big the next: “All trust is acquired, developed. Nobody is born with confidence. The people you know who radiate confidence, who have overcome worry, who are at ease everywhere and at all times, acquired your confidence little by little..” And as I express in the epigraph, trust is built by putting faith into action, which I clarify in my book Wake up THAT SOMETHING with the graph next to it.

When we achieve positive results, that is, when we achieve success, our confidence increases. Of course, in those cases an understanding of what we execute is acquired. Therefore, it is essential to act inspired by positive faith when you are not certain about something. But what happens when what we want is not achieved in the estimated time? In these cases God is testing us; Then, we must choose to go from “I believe” to “I still believe.” Let me explain.

In general, when what we long for does not come about despite our positive faith (I believe), and on the contrary everything becomes adverse, with the manifestations and circumstances that it cannot be achieved, what most people do is lose hope, and be filled with doubt or fear. If we allow negative faith in our thoughts and feelings, fear will increase and self-confidence will disappear. Faced with these eventualities, it is necessary to strengthen self-confidence and activate that positive faith and feel that I am going to achieve it, that is, think and feel that “I still believe” that it is possible.

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I have seen dozens of soccer players kick a penalty. It is evident that from the moment the player takes the ball, his gestures and his gaze make it evident that he will score or miss the goal. The posture of self-confidence or fear is visible even on the TV screen. When a person does not trust himself, he is filled with fear; and this leads to personal failure. The critical thing is that the sum of personal fears generates a collective fear, since we must admit that fear has spread in the world. It is present in the form of wars, murders, greed, greed, envy and much more. Every day the media announce sad and disastrous news of intolerance and human rights violations, which have origins in collective fear.

If we long for a stable and lasting peace in the world, it is imperative to regain self-confidence, and in this way become reliable people who generate harmony and peace in their environment. Dear reader, you should and can strengthen your self-confidence. Increase your self-confidence to satisfy your own conscience. Employ technical action to heal fear and build confidence. For this, I suggest reading chapter 3 of the book The magic of thinking big by David Joseph Schwartz, titled: Build trust and destroy fear.

Confidence is the second of the five cardinal virtues that Doctors Fox conceive to achieve a transformation in health, success and happiness. In last week’s writing we addressed the first cardinal virtue: Enthusiasm. The reader interested in self-evaluating their level of enthusiasm can ask me by WhatsApp (3153921373) or by email ([email protected]) to send them the two tests mentioned in the writing, which were omitted in said publication. Fill yourself with enthusiasm and develop self-confidence, because in this way you not only acquire your inner power and aspire to better living conditions for yourself, but you also contribute to the construction of a better world.

By: Carlos Rafael Melo Freyle

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