Home » Conte to his followers: “Berlusconi proposal inadmissible”. Renzi: “I don’t believe in Mattarella bis. I agree with Letta. Gianni “

Conte to his followers: “Berlusconi proposal inadmissible”. Renzi: “I don’t believe in Mattarella bis. I agree with Letta. Gianni “

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Giuseppe Conte speaks to his parliamentarians, explains that for the Quirinale it is necessary to define “stakes”. But certainly the possible proposal for a center-right on the candidacy of “Berlusconi is inadmissible”. Point. This, however, clarifies the former premier does not mean not talking with the center-right. Indeed, “the confrontation must be opened because in this negotiation no one is self-sufficient”. In short, the president of the Movement opens to dialogue but remains firm on the no to the Knight. No political party, he argues, the people’s advocate has “sufficient numbers to elect” the Head of State. For the Quirinale, explains Giuseppe Conte to his followers, “For the Quirinale it is necessary to identify a personality with a high moral profile, who exercises his mandate with discipline and honor, a person who makes us proud to be Italian”.

«We must face this passage – says Giuseppe Conte opening the joint assembly M5S – expressing our political strength and our moral courage. Political strength derives from the solidity of our ideals and from the awareness of our numbers in Parliament. Courage, on the other hand, comes from the ability to walk with our heads held high and to carry on our battles even when everyone hinders us or hurts us: both strength and courage depend on the fact that we operate inspired by a single mission: the common good. of citizens “. Then returning to the center-right: via party flags, we wave the tricolor together. «We – adds Conte – will demonstrate with the facts that the only sure” tip of the balance “in this game will be the 5 Star Movement, the relative majority group in this Parliament. We have the honor but also the burden of representing 11 million Italians ». Hence no name. At least for now. “I do not consider it appropriate to go down in the evaluation of individual names or chase this or this candidacy”, he explains, “but this may be the time to fix some fixed point” and in the moment of the pandemic and economic emergency “I believe – adds Conte – that the Italians expect the government not to lose a single day of work in solving all these problems. The 5 Star Movement, having the interest of the Italians at heart, must make every effort to ensure the continuity of the executive’s action ».

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Renzi: I don’t believe in a Mattarella bis
«I bet that on January 27 we will have a President of the Republic or a President of the Republic. I don’t believe in the Mattarella bis hypothesis, it goes against his wishes and the correct interpretation of the President of the Republic ». This was stated by Matteo Renzi, guest of Metropolis live on Repubblica TV.

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