Home » Continuously Deepening Theoretical Innovation: Xi Jinping Stresses the Importance of Marxist Modernization and Sinicization

Continuously Deepening Theoretical Innovation: Xi Jinping Stresses the Importance of Marxist Modernization and Sinicization

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Xi Jinping Stresses the Importance of Theoretical Innovation in the New Era

During the sixth collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Xi Jinping emphasized the need to continuously deepen the regularity understanding of the party’s theoretical innovation and achieve more fruitful results in the new era. The study focused on opening up a new realm of the modernization of Marxism in China.

Xi Jinping, the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, stated that the major task of opening up this new realm is the historical responsibility of contemporary Chinese Communists. He highlighted the importance of summarizing historical experience and using scientific methods such as “two combinations” and “six must be adhered to” to promote theoretical innovation.

Li Wentang, vice president of the Central Party School, explained this issue and put forward work suggestions, which were carefully listened to and discussed by the comrades of the Political Bureau. Following the discussions, Xi Jinping delivered an important speech.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the success of the Chinese Communist Party in leading the people to accomplish arduous tasks is fundamentally due to mastering the scientific principles of Marxism. He emphasized the need to constantly combine Marxism with the new reality to promote theoretical innovation and achieve major theoretical achievements such as Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of “Three Represents,” the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the Sinicization and modernization of Marxism should not abandon the soul of Marxism and the root of China’s excellent traditional culture. He stressed the importance of adhering to the foundation and premise of theoretical innovation, which is rooted in Marxism and China’s history and culture.

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In order to achieve this, Xi Jinping called for the comprehensive excavation of the treasure house of Chinese civilization and the activation of excellent factors in Chinese culture, which can be endowed with new era connotations. He emphasized the need to connect the essence of Marxist thought with the essence of Chinese traditional culture and form a new theoretical structure.

Xi Jinping highlighted the importance of promptly answering new issues of the times through theoretical innovation based on practice. He stated that theories used to observe, grasp, and lead the times must reflect the voice of the times and constantly summarize practical experience. He emphasized the need to understand the development context of world history and the characteristics of China’s development in order to propose scientific ideas and effective countermeasures to solve practical problems.

Xi Jinping also stressed the importance of promoting the systematization and rationalization of theory as an important way for theoretical innovation. He stated that Marxist theoretical research and construction projects should focus on enriching, expanding, systematizing, and rationalizing the theoretical results of new ideas and conclusions put forward by the party.

Lastly, Xi Jinping emphasized the importance of absorbing theoretical innovation wisdom from the creation of the people. He stated that Marxism is a theory created to change the fate of the people, and it is enriched and developed through the practice of the people’s liberation. He highlighted the importance of the creative practice of the people as an inexhaustible source of innovation in Marxist theory.

In conclusion, Xi Jinping emphasized the need to deepen the party’s theoretical innovation in the new era, while staying rooted in the principles of Marxism and China’s traditional culture. He called for the formation of a comprehensive theoretical structure and the timely addressing of new issues through theoretical innovation based on practice. These efforts are crucial for the development and advancement of Marxism in contemporary China.

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