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Covid, the guidelines for the aviation sector updated by ENAC

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Covid, the guidelines for the aviation sector updated by ENAC

Enac, the national civil aviation body, simplifies the lives of passengers. In fact, the guidelines for operators in the sector have been updated to facilitate a rapid return to ordinary air transport activities after the end of the state of emergency. As mentioned in a note, the so-called basic Green Pass and the FFP2 type masks are now sufficient to fly, while the restrictions relating to the use of the hat boxes are removed.

The requirements for managers

Airport managers must also adopt organizational and managerial measures to prevent any form of crowding in all areas of the terminal and during airport operations, through proper management of flows and queues, effective signage and carrying out sanitation and sanitation in each area of ​​the infrastructure.

Reporting of positivity

Similar procedures will have to be ordered by air carriers during the boarding and disembarking phases of the aircraft. All passengers on national and international flights with destination Italy are obliged to report to the carrier and the competent territorial health authority any positive Covid-19 diagnosed within 5 days of disembarking from the aircraft, to initiate contact tracing. on the national territory, clarifies the institution.

Tourism resumes at Easter

Meanwhile, signs of hope seem to ignite Italian tourism, starting with the capital Rome which, like all cities of art, has been lashed by the crisis that has swept the country in the last two years. The data relating to the Easter holidays are positive and open comforting glimpses for the summer, on which, however, the shadow of war continues to lengthen. In the meantime, however, between Easter and April 25, 15 million Italians and foreigners will travel to our country for a total cost of around 5.5 billion, according to a survey by Cna Turismo e Commercio conducted among its members. all over Italy.

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Six times more traffic on the train

According to estimates, ten million Italians will limit themselves to day trips or go to family homes, but over five million tourists intend to stay overnight in accommodation facilities for at least one night. And of these – Cna specifies – more than one and a half million will be foreigners. The average overnight stay is expected between two and three nights for Italian vacationers, between three and four nights for foreigners. Tourists from abroad will come mainly from continental Europe, the United Kingdom, the USA and Canada. From Arrows to Pop and Rock, passing through intercity trains and also historic trains: the restart of tourism is making itself felt and, also thanks to the expensive fuel, for the Easter period there is a strong jump in the number of passengers. On all Trenitalia trains, in fact, a number of travelers is estimated six times greater than in the Easter period of 2021, which was still affected by red zones and travel restrictions.

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