Home » Covid, the ISS report: from Monday Lombardy, Piedmont, Lazio and Sicily in yellow. The incidence of cases doubles, intensive care employment rises

Covid, the ISS report: from Monday Lombardy, Piedmont, Lazio and Sicily in yellow. The incidence of cases doubles, intensive care employment rises

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Incidence of cases more than doubled, intensive care and wards employment on the rise, two Regions / Autonomous Provinces classified at high risk, while the national RT rises to 1.18. These are the data reported by the Higher Institute of Health in its weekly bulletin. And since Monday, four regions have changed to yellow.

As for the incidence, the ISS reports that in the week from 24 to 30 December it reached 783 cases per 100,000 inhabitants against 351 per 100,000 last week. In the period 7 December – 20 December, the mean Rt calculated on symptomatic cases was equal to 1.18 (range 1.13 – 1.22), slightly increasing compared to the previous week (it was equal to 1.13) and still above the epidemic threshold. While the intensive care occupancy rate went from 10.7 to 12.9 percent. Employment in hospital departments is also growing, reaching 17.1 per center, while last week it was 13.9%. “The critical threshold is exceeded in 12 regions – underlined Gianni Rezza, director general of health prevention at the Ministry of Health -. This week – he explains – the incidence rate of Covid 19 cases in our country even tends to double. compared to the previous week and is fixed at around 783 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. The RT also shows a tendency to increase, we are now at 1.18% therefore well above the unit. Given the extreme contagiousness of the variant Omicron – he continued – it is good to continue to behave prudently, to respect self-isolation and other quarantine regulations. And above all to carry out the vaccine booster dose “.

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Again according to the ISS report, two Regions / Autonomous Provinces are classified as high risk, 18 are classified as moderate risk. Of these, seven are highly likely to progress to high risk. Only one PA Region / Autonomous Province is classified as low risk.

There was a sharp increase in the number of new cases not associated with transmission chains (124,707 compared to 62,669 in the previous week). The percentage of cases detected through contact tracing activity is decreasing (21 percent compared to 27 percent last week). The percentage of cases detected through the onset of symptoms is increasing (48 percent compared to 45 percent) and the percentage of cases diagnosed through screening activities is also increasing (31 percent compared to 28 percent).

According to the data, the younger age groups are characterized by “greater circulation of the virus and in the 20-29 age group the circulation has increased more significantly, but all age groups under 40 are characterized by a growth . The curves are confirmed in clear growth both in the under 12s and in the under 20s “highlights the president of the ISS Silvio Brusaferro. “The risk of hospitalizations for Covid in the youngest groups is contained but always present and this – he said – is a strong fact that reminds us of the importance of vaccinations even in the youngest”.

In Italy the Delta variant is still predominant

In Italy, the Delta variant is still predominant with an estimated prevalence of 79%. The Omicron is 21% of the sample examined, with a regional variability between 3% and 65%. It emerges from the flash survey conducted by the Higher Institute of Health and relating to the day of December 20.

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at Alessandra Corica

Lombardy, Piedmont Lazio and Sicily in yellow from Monday

Lombardy, Piedmont, Lazio and Sicily will pass into the yellow zone from next Monday. According to what is learned, in fact, the order of the Minister of Health for the passage of the band is on the way. Last week there were no color changes and therefore in Liguria, Marche, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, the PA of Trento and Bolzano and Calabria (yellow from the previous week) are added the 4 that from next Monday will change bands bringing to 11 the total of the yellow regions.

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