Home » Ddl Zan, Five Stars against the Italia Viva amendments: “They bury the law.” For the Democratic Party they are “Unsustainable Proposals”

Ddl Zan, Five Stars against the Italia Viva amendments: “They bury the law.” For the Democratic Party they are “Unsustainable Proposals”

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After the wall against the wall with the center-right, the Zan bill is also suffering a fracture inside the center-left. On Tuesday the scheduling in the classroom for July 13 is voted, but now the numbers to approve it risk not being there. The Pd and the father of the law himself rejected as “unsustainable” the amendments of Italia Viva which proposed a series of corrections to the bill, first of all the elimination of the reference to gender identity.

To echo the Democratic Party also the Moving Five Stars, which today reiterated the position against Italia Viva: «The amendments presented to the Zan bill sound like an attempt to bury the law. In fact, thinking of eliminating the terms “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” and returning to the definition of homophobia and transphobia would risk making us take another step backwards, as has already happened in the past ». Already in recent years the bills to combat homotransphobia stopped precisely because the expressions used to identify the motive of hatred, homophobia and transphobia, were not considered precise enough to guarantee the determination of the penal precept. A discussion on the terms that threatens to bury the entire bill, with the final attack: «Italia Viva tell us if you are with the LGBTI community or if you are using it for political gain. Because everything points to this second hypothesis ».

The position of Italia Viva
“Is it more important to really approve a law against homophobia and discrimination or to approve the Zan Bill? If the goal is the first, it must be said that as it is in the Senate it does not have the numbers. While with the proposed changes, we may soon have a law. The point is this ». This is how Marco Di Maio, vice-president of the Italia Viva group in the Chamber wrote on Twitter. The leader of the Iv group in the Senate Davide Faraone added: «The law must be made, it is urgent, but a pedagogical purpose must not be entrusted to it for anything in the world. Precisely because it must strike at abuses, crimes, prevarications, it must be well written and not give rise to interpretative doubts ».

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Salvini: “In 5 minutes we find an agreement”
On the Zan Lega Ddl, Pd and M5s can find an agreement «In five minutes on the increase in penalties for violence» on homosexuals. The secretary of the League, Matteo Salvini told Skytg 24, adding to the chorus of political voices that is accompanying the days before the scheduling: «Homosexuals and trans, if offended and objects of violence must be defended. Another discourse is to bring to school the theories according to which there are no boys and girls ».

Meloni and the accusation of “hypocrisy”
“In the Draghi government there is a great contradiction” on the issues of the fight against homophobia. “I will present an act in Parliament in which I will ask the government to stop all forms of commercial agreements with countries where homosexuality is a crime such as Qatar, where, for example, we will play the World Cup, or Saudi Arabia. Hypocrisies bother me a lot: I am involved in the fight against discrimination but we have to be serious. If the EU and the Italian government do not want to start from here, of course I am saying that they are hypocrites ». The leader of the Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni tells Radio24. “I’m fine that Draghi has signed documents with other European states” on Orban’s law but “those rules are told in a slightly different way from how they are, I had them translated and I read them: they claim that in schools gender propaganda should not be made especially by associations that are not part of the official training system of Hungary. A theme that in other words I pose in Italy ».

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