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De La Calle calls Petro’s language unacceptable and invites him to calm down

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De La Calle calls Petro’s language unacceptable and invites him to calm down

President Gustavo Petro has raised his voice once again by denouncing what he considers an attempted “coup d’état” after the National Electoral Council (CNE) requested the formulation of documents against him and against his former campaign manager, Ricardo Roa, for the alleged violation of campaign limits in the 2022 elections.

«Here we are faced with arbitrariness: an administrative body brings charges against the President of the Republic. It is an open constitutional breach. “It is answered, it is with the strength of the people,” Petro expressed through his account on .

These statements generated concern in the CNE, which quickly responded, pointing out that democracy is affected when the president disqualifies the actions of the duly constituted authorities.

Senator Humberto de la Calle joined the debate, expressing in a video that the CNE investigations are part of the democratic process and calling for serenity. «We all have to calm down. In the ear of the president I would say that this idea that there is a soft blow to knock him down seems to me to have no basis,” he said.

De la Calle also addressed the issue of paying electoral witnesses, indicating that in some aspects the president is right, but pointing out that there are aspects to examine regarding donations and possible violations of campaign limits.

“Let’s not forget that this is a presentation. This has not been resolved by the CNE. If there is a commitment from the president, I do believe that this has to go to the Commission of Accusations. I think that the thesis of jurisdiction is also valid, but it is an absolutely normal, worldwide fact that a campaign is investigated. Let’s lower the tone,” the former vice president also told Petro.

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In the midst of this controversy, the senator warned about the possible consequences of Petro’s statements about an alleged coup d’état, arguing that they could have dramatic international repercussions for Colombia. He emphasized that, although he must prioritize jurisdiction in the evaluation of campaign expenses, the president’s language is unacceptable and called for calm, indicating that there is no soft coup and that no one significant is in that idea.

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