Home » Deforestation in the rainforest: Brazilian police arrested entrepreneurs

Deforestation in the rainforest: Brazilian police arrested entrepreneurs

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Deforestation in the rainforest: Brazilian police arrested entrepreneurs

The suspect is “the largest destroyer in the Amazon region” ever investigated. A court also confiscated 16 farms and 10,000 head of cattle and froze assets worth 116 million reais (21 million euros). The suspect has illegally appropriated over 21,000 hectares of public land with accomplices, according to police. They are said to have fraudulently registered plots of land near their own lands in the names of relatives. According to the police, more than 6,500 hectares of rainforest have already been cut down to use the areas for cattle breeding.

When he took office at the beginning of the year, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva announced that he would strengthen environmental and climate protection. Recently, for example, the police took action against illegal gold prospectors with a series of large-scale operations. The Amazon rainforest is considered a CO2 store and has an important function in the international fight against climate change.


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