Home » Double fire in the night: camper destroyed in Treviso, two cars saved in Codognè

Double fire in the night: camper destroyed in Treviso, two cars saved in Codognè

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The first fire in San Trovaso station. In the second, the garage owner managed to get his cars out on time

TREVISO. First a camper on fire in Treviso, then a garage in Conegliano. A busy night for the firefighters of the Marca between Saturday and Sunday. Shortly before one o’clock the firefighters intervened for a fire in a camper in the parking lot of the San Trovaso station in Treviso, there were no injuries but little was left of the camper, if not the charred skeleton. This is the umpteenth between cars and campers that catches fire in recent weeks. The causes are being investigated by the drone technicians.

At about 4.15 am the Conegliano Fire Brigade intervened in Codognè for a fire in a garage, probably triggered by some tools. The owner managed to get the 2 cars outside before the fire also affected them. The owner himself claims to have seen the fire starting from the workbench where there were electric tools being charged.

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