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Draghi to the mayors: «Pnrr success in your hands». Gentiloni: “Worry about possible delay”

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A thousand experts will help local authorities

Draghi recalled that not all municipalities are equipped in the same way to face the PNRR challenge. “It is essential that this historic opportunity is also seized by the smaller towns.” The premier underlined that the government has simplified the procedures for awarding public contracts to increase the speed and effectiveness of the intervention: «We shorten the implementation times also by combining, when possible, the planning phase with the executive one. We make various tools available to administrations: from technical assistance in the area to the possibility of recruiting staff. At least one thousand experts will help local authorities to implement the Plan. They will be distributed in the various areas of the country, to simplify the processes and strengthen the planning capacity of the administrations ».

De Caro: Draghi is the example that Italy can be governed

“There are no ungovernable cities, just as there are no ungovernable countries or situations and you, President Draghi, are demonstrating this with your government,” said Decaro, in his concluding report to the Parma assembly. «We want to thank you for this, Mr. President. For the effort he is making with the ministers and for the attention he is showing towards the Municipalities and our work. We want to respond to these important and concrete signals with availability and willingness to collaborate, offering proposals and solutions, not complaints or claims “.

The country reunited in Parma, without whining

“It wasn’t just an ANCI National Assembly. It was a long, extended, concrete working meeting on Italy. The country has really met here these days. Mayors of every political color, geographical origin or territorial and administrative dimension have worked together with ministers, businesses, associations “, said the president of Anci Antonio Decaro in his closing speech to the assembly in Parma, in front of Prime Minister Mario Draghi . “There were no catwalks, no complaints or whining were heard. There was to discuss and work to develop useful solutions to simplify and speed up the work of the Municipalities and improve the lives of citizens through the best use of the funds that are arriving in our country. This work – he added – today we put at your disposal, Mr. Prime Minister, at the disposal of Parliament and of the whole country “.

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Carfagna: “Resources in the South to start national reunification”

“We will do it and this is the challenge the government is working on with all energy and the confrontation with the Anci is a call to responsibility for the executive and for every political and institutional actor. The success of the PNRR depends on this collaboration, and the South can be the driving force of the country ”, said the Minister for the South and Territorial Cohesion Mara Carfagna, speaking remotely at the ANCI Assembly in Parma. «That 40% of the resources of the PNRR allocated to the projects for the South, which I would call ‘cohesion share’, is an operation of national reunification – he added – so that all citizens can have the same rights on the territory. We have to rebuild the country and this is what we are doing with the Draghi government. The vision of the South that we are trying to build is not a periphery with subsidies, bonuses and welfare, but the attempt to create – underlined Carfagna – an advanced point, also in terms of logistics, in the center of the Mediterranean, where to attract ideas and talents. that they are up to global competition “.

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