Home » DRC: Félix Tshisekedi launches anti-erosion works in Kananga

DRC: Félix Tshisekedi launches anti-erosion works in Kananga

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The Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi, launched, this Friday, June 23 in Kananga (Kasaï-Central), the works to fight against the erosions which threaten this city.

This work is part of the program called “Emergency Project for Urban Resilience in Kananga (PURUK)”. They are financed by the World Bank to the tune of 100 million US dollars (USD).

They will be carried out by the Roads and Drainage Office (OVD), under the supervision of the Ministry of Urban Planning and Housing.

Heads of erosions

Indeed, the city of Kananga is threatened by several heads of erosion.

In order not to see this city disappear, the Congolese Government requested and obtained from the World Bank a financing of 100 million USD, to eradicate the heads of erosions in the capital of the province of Kasaï-Central.

According to the vice-president of the World Bank, Victoria Kwakwa, this project will intervene first on three sites which threaten to destroy the houses and the infrastructures of the city.

According to the schedule, this work will last seven months.

The Minister of State for Town Planning and Housing, Pius Muabilu, called on the local population to take ownership of this programme.

In the suite of the President of the Republic in Kananga, there is also the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy, Vital Kamerhe as well as the Minister of Finance, Nicolas Kazadi.

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