Home » Drummond delivered remodeling work at the La Palmita health post

Drummond delivered remodeling work at the La Palmita health post

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Drummond delivered remodeling work at the La Palmita health post

The Drummond mining company, together with the Mayor’s Office of La Jagua de Ibirico and the Jorge Isaac Rincón Torres Hospital, delivered the project to improve the Health Post of the village of La Palmita.

“With the delivery of this work, not only the corregimiento of La Palmita benefits, but also surrounding villages, thus strengthening the social fabric and improving the living conditions of the inhabitants. There, medical brigades are carried out, medical care services are provided, among others”, highlighted Yilda Tatiana Pineda, senior supervisor of community relations at Drummond Ltd.

The improvement project had its initial phase in October 2022, and included an infrastructure verification and evaluation visit carried out by the Municipal Administration, which determined the conditions of the health center, which were not optimal.

“Very grateful to the company for the intervention they have made. This health center was in terrible conditions, thanks to the project that was presented, they took it into account and had the initiative to intervene. This health center benefits more inhabitants than we have apart from the surrounding villages. It has been a positive impact, and the community has taken it well and these are the commitments and social works that Drummond does in our community,” said Rafael Rodríguez Gómez, president of the Community Action Board of the Francisco Gómez neighborhood of the township of La Palmita.

For the work, which will benefit approximately 3,200 inhabitants of the village of La Palmita and its surrounding villages, the mining company made a contribution of 330 million designated pesos in construction materials and labor, with which it carried out: preliminary activities, structure concrete, floors, roofs, finishes, veneers, plumbing installations, and in addition to this, it was necessary to intervene in the electrical system, since it did not meet the standards required for its operation.

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“From our role as hospital manager and health service provider, we will continue our activity at the La Palmita Health Center, which due to its type is an outpatient internal consultation. We will continue to provide dentistry, oral hygiene, general medicine, psychology, and nutrition services on a scheduled basis,” explained Yuri Silva, manager of the Jorge Isaac Rincón Torres Hospital, located in La Jagua de Ibirico.

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