Home » Due to drug trafficking accusation, judge increases JOH’s agony and in hearing decides to postpone the trial

Due to drug trafficking accusation, judge increases JOH’s agony and in hearing decides to postpone the trial

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Due to drug trafficking accusation, judge increases JOH’s agony and in hearing decides to postpone the trial

Former Honduran President’s Drug Trafficking Trial Postponed Once Again

The former president of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, was taken once again to the Southern District Court of New York to be in front of Judge Kevin Castel before the trial for drug trafficking of which he is accused by the United States Attorney’s Office.

After a private hearing with Judge Kevin Castel, it was decided to reschedule the drug trafficking trial for a week later, with the new date set for February 12, 2024. Additionally, a new lawyer was added to JOH’s legal team.

JOH entered the room in chains and remained in the jury box, alongside eight new potential lawyers, as he had requested that his defense team receive support from a public official.

During the hearing, Judge Castel implied that the trial would be rescheduled and asked JOH’s defense lawyer to bring his calendar for further discussion. Later, a private conversation took place between Judge Castel and JOH’s lawyer, Raymond Colón, while the former president watched from the jury box with three U.S. Marshals behind him.

After about 10 minutes, Castel asked JOH to come over to talk to him. The trial date was then set for February 12, indicating that there will be a further delay in the trial proceedings.

This development comes after a previous hearing in which it was revealed that JOH’s former defense lawyer turned out to be a DEA infiltrator, raising questions about the legal representation JOH will receive in the upcoming trial.

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