Home » Economy: Bafin considers bank runs through fake news to be unlikely

Economy: Bafin considers bank runs through fake news to be unlikely

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Economy: Bafin considers bank runs through fake news to be unlikely

Frankfurt am Main (German news agency) – The German banking industry (DK) and the financial regulator Bafin consider the risk of a bank run in Germany triggered by fake news as described by Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel to be low. “Bank runs are not a new phenomenon,” said an association spokeswoman for the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” (Friday edition).

“What we are seeing is that information – including false information – is being shared very quickly within the framework of digital communication channels.” However, whether this leads to customers withdrawing their money from their accounts ad hoc depends on their trust in the financial system. “And here applies: The German banking market is extremely stable and robust.”

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