Home » Exiled Tibetans take part in protest march commemorating 65th anniversary of Tibetan Uprising

Exiled Tibetans take part in protest march commemorating 65th anniversary of Tibetan Uprising

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Exiled Tibetans in New Delhi Commemorate 65th Anniversary of Tibetan Uprising

Hundreds of Tibetans in exile gathered in India’s capital, New Delhi, on Sunday to mark the 65th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising against China. More than 500 Tibetans came together near the Indian Parliament, chanting slogans like “Tibet has never been a part of China” and “China should leave Tibet.”

The demonstrators waved Tibetan flags and images of their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, as they observed a moment of silence to honor the fallen Tibetans. Tibetan activist Tenzin Dhamdul emphasized Tibet’s historical independence and called on the international community to support the Tibetan cause.

March 10 holds significant importance for Tibetans, as it commemorates the uprising by the people of Tibet against Chinese rule in 1959. Tibetan youth activist Lhakpa Tsering highlighted the sacrifices made by those who fought for Tibet’s freedom and expressed solidarity with them.

Tibetan activist Tenzin Thai drew attention to China’s actions in Tibet, including the environmental damage caused by hydropower projects. She demanded the release of political prisoners and an end to the construction of such projects in Tibet.

Despite India considering Tibet a part of China, it has been a refuge for the Dalai Lama and many Tibetans in exile. The Dalai Lama, who has been living in Dharamsala since 1959, advocates for autonomy for Tibet and the preservation of its unique culture.

The commemorations in New Delhi serve as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for Tibetan independence and human rights under Chinese occupation. The Tibetan community continues to push for international support in their quest for freedom and justice.

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