Home » Fall asleep and fly into the escarpment: a motorist from Belluno gets away with it

Fall asleep and fly into the escarpment: a motorist from Belluno gets away with it

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Fall asleep and fly into the escarpment: a motorist from Belluno gets away with it

A 69-year-old went off the road on the 251 near Claut and was recovered by the fire brigade

BELLUNO. Stroke of sleep and a motorist from Belluno in transit on the 251, near Claut (Pordenone), breaks through the parapet and ends up in the escarpment with his Mercedes. Luckily the safety devices work and, in the end, there is a great scare and heavy damage to the vehicle. BL, 69, was recovered by the firefighters of Maniago, who had to use the crane. But it was not necessary to take him to the hospital.

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