Home » First recipient of genetically modified pig kidney transplant dies

First recipient of genetically modified pig kidney transplant dies

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First recipient of genetically modified pig kidney transplant dies

BOSTON – The first recipient of a genetically modified pig kidney transplant has passed away nearly two months after undergoing the groundbreaking procedure. Richard “Rick” Slayman, a 62-year-old man from Weymouth, Massachusetts, received the transplant at Massachusetts General Hospital in March, becoming the first living person to undergo such a surgery.

Surgeons had initially believed that the pig kidney would last at least two years in Slayman’s body. The hospital’s transplant team expressed their deep sadness at Slayman’s passing in a statement, offering their condolences to his family. However, they noted that there was no indication that his death was a result of the transplant.

Slayman had previously undergone a kidney transplant in 2018, but had to return to dialysis last year when signs of failure began to show. When complications arose that required frequent dialysis procedures, his doctors suggested the pig kidney transplant as a potential solution.

In a statement, Slayman’s family thanked his doctors for their efforts, stating that the additional seven weeks they were able to spend with Rick were both precious and memorable. They emphasized Slayman’s goal of giving hope to the thousands of people in need of a transplant to survive, a goal that he ultimately achieved through the groundbreaking procedure.

Xenotransplants, which involve using animal cells, tissues, or organs to treat human patients, have historically been unsuccessful due to the immediate rejection by the human immune system. However, recent advances in genetic modifications have made pig organs more compatible with humans, opening up new possibilities for organ transplants.

With over 100,000 people currently on the national waiting list for a transplant, the need for viable organ donors remains critically high. Most of these individuals are kidney patients, and thousands die each year while waiting for a suitable match. Slayman’s brave decision to undergo the experimental pig kidney transplant may pave the way for future breakthroughs in the field of xenotransplantation, offering hope to those in need of life-saving organ transplants.

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