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first sustainability objective for businesses – Cover news

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Word of algorithm: gender equality is the first among the sustainability objectives of Italian companies. This is attested by a recent study conducted by InfoCamere in collaboration with Values ​​20, the community of international experts created to support the topic of public policy values ​​within the G20. The analysis was carried out thanks to the testing of an algorithm, based on machine learning applied to the declarations contained in the corporate objects of companies, to look for textual similarities with the individual sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Inclusion, diversity, equal opportunities at the center of the company vision

In the absence of shared criteria for recognizing the commitment to sustainability, the study tried to exploit the power of Artificial Intelligence to draw the profile of a phenomenon of growing importance, but still difficult to quantify. Certification on gender equality is one of the most important tools through which companies demonstrate active participation towards the culture of inclusion, diversity and equal opportunities. Topics that have increasingly been at the center of the company vision in recent years. In particular, as part of the commitment to the sustainability objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

But greenwashing also concerns the gender gap

Awareness of the impact of human activities and social and economic models on the quality of life is therefore growing at a global level. From the point of view of companies, also driven by greater competitiveness and the strengthening of relationships with customers and consumers, the range of companies that recognize the importance of basing their activities on recognized and recognizable sustainability principles has expanded. To the point that the phenomenon of greenwashing has developed even on sustainability issues, the attempt to improve the public image through the distorted or exaggerated presentation of sustainable practices, including gender gaps.

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A certification for “equal” businesses

In July 2021, the Italian government launched a National Strategy for Gender Equality, in which one of the main tools is certification, introduced with the aim of improving the possibility for women to access the job market and leadership roles . For companies, certification represents one of the central initiatives within the PNRR for achieving the transversal objective of gender equality and for supporting women’s empowerment.
In this context, the commitment of companies is increasingly developing on the work-life balance and welfare front, creating the conditions for a more attractive work environment, and in line with the expectations of the people who work there.

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