Home » For failing to comply with the Quota Law, the Attorney General’s Office sanctioned the former governor of Cauca with suspension from office – news

For failing to comply with the Quota Law, the Attorney General’s Office sanctioned the former governor of Cauca with suspension from office – news

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For failing to comply with the Quota Law, the Attorney General’s Office sanctioned the former governor of Cauca with suspension from office – news

The affected person, the current representative to the Chamber, Óscar Rodrigo Campo, filed an appeal with the Public Ministry on January 4, 2024.

The Attorney General’s Office (CGN) suspended the former governor of Cauca, Óscar Rodrigo Campo Hurtado (2016-2019), with a four-month suspension for non-compliance with the Quota Law (Law 581 of 2000), which orders the appointment of at least 30% women in management and decision-making positions in the State.

In a first instance ruling, the Disciplinary Chamber of Judgment of Public Servants of Popular Election established that the then official, who is currently a representative to the Chamber for Cauca, for the year 2016 did not specifically meet the percentage of women named in Government positions called ‘other decision-making levels – OND’.

The control body indicated that for that year the plant of the territorial entity had two positions at that level called undersecretaries of office, and in none of them did it appoint a woman, which is why compliance with the standard in those specific positions was 0%. He highlighted that in this case the way to reach the minimum quota would have been by appointing a woman, so she would have met the minimum required percentage.

For the Public Ministry “The defendant failed to observe his functional duty by appointing and occupying only men in all OND positions, thereby violating the principle of equality contained in our Constitution, without any justification circumstance being seen.”.

He added in the ruling that compliance with the Quota Law is relevant “because only by guaranteeing women’s access to decision-making levels of administration can a pluralistic and egalitarian society be built”.

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Due to these facts, the control body classified the conduct of the person under investigation as a serious offense committed with serious negligence. Since Campo Hurtado is not currently holding the position in which the investigated conduct originated, The sanction imposed will become the equivalent of the wages earned at the time of the commission of the offense.which amounts to 14 million 192 thousand pesos.

The first instance ruling can be appealed by the sanctioned party.

Campo Hurtado appealed

For his part, the former governor of Cauca and representative to the Chamber, Óscar Rodrigo Campo Hurtado, issued a statement in which he says that, on December 20, 2023, the Attorney General’s Office “notified us of a ruling in the first instance regarding the suspension for 4 months in the position of governor of Cauca or the sum of $14,129,232, the latter being the effective sanction, if ratified in the second instance, since since the 31st As of December 2019, I do not hold the aforementioned position.”

He adds that on Thursday, January 4 of the current year, he filed the respective appeal before the office of the Attorney General of the Nation, alleging compliance with the global quota law and non-compliance in the case sanctioned in the first instance. , since there were only two OND positions in 2016 (undersecretaries), according to the document that the Attorney General’s Office itself issued when carrying out the analysis on compliance with the Quota Law for the year in question, the elements of disciplinary responsibility because this would apply only when there are three or more charges.

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“Always respectful of the institutions and their norms, of the laws and the control bodies, we will wait for the ruling in the second instance,” he finally says.

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