Home » For forcing students to change their haircut, they will investigate the school coordinator

For forcing students to change their haircut, they will investigate the school coordinator

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For forcing students to change their haircut, they will investigate the school coordinator

The Office of the Attorney General of the Nation opened an investigation against the coordinator of the main headquarters of the José Antonio Ricaurte Educational Institution in Ibagué, Tolima, Libya María Barrios Cruz, for alleged ignorance of the regulatory guidelines for the pedagogical approach to risk situations in coexistence school.

The control entity seeks to establish whether the investigated disrespected the freedom of expression of a student, for pointing out her haircut, the dye, the piercings she was wearing and for, allegedly, demanding that she put on a skirt and let it grow The hair.

According to what was indicated by a local media outlet, the mother of the minor “feels helpless not being able to do anything in this situation since the teacher says that the girl will only be able to decide if she wants to be a man or a woman when be of legal age”.

The Provincial Attorney for Instruction of Ibagué ordered the production of documentary evidence, and indicated that the person involved has the right to designate a proxy and render a free version, as well as those related to the benefits of confession and acceptance of charges.

Likewise, in the exercise of its preventive function, the Public Ministry required the rector of the Educational Institution to attend immediately and urgently to the guidelines issued by the Ministry of National Education, and to carry out the necessary actions to stop all types of violations of the rights fundamentals of the minor.

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