Home » Forging ahead in a new journey, making contributions to a new era, extraordinary ten years丨Beijing: marching toward a world-class harmonious and livable city_Guangzhou

Forging ahead in a new journey, making contributions to a new era, extraordinary ten years丨Beijing: marching toward a world-class harmonious and livable city_Guangzhou

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Forging ahead in a new journey, making contributions to a new era, extraordinary ten years丨Beijing: marching toward a world-class harmonious and livable city_Guangzhou

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 10th. Title: Beijing: Towards a World-Class Harmonious and Livable City

Editor’s note: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has led hundreds of millions of people in their commitment to national rejuvenation. After an extraordinary decade, it has written a magnificent picture in the history of the development of the Chinese nation. From now on, Xinhua News Agency will open a sub-column of “Extraordinary Decades” under the general column of “Forge ahead in a new journey and make contributions to a new era”. Through interviews and reports in different regions, fields and industries, it can comprehensively and multi-level reflect the party since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. And the extraordinary achievements and valuable experience of the development of the country’s cause, showing the people’s increasing sense of gain, happiness, and security, and condensing the majestic force of forging ahead in a new journey.

Xinhua News Agency reporter

Determined to take the initiative to do “subtraction” and become the first mega city in the country to reduce the amount of development; strengthen confidence and work hard to “increment”, and take solid steps for high-quality development.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, following General Secretary Xi Jinping’s “uphold and strengthen the core functions of the capital’s national political center, cultural center, international exchange center, and scientific and technological innovation center, and in-depth implementation of the humanities Beijing, technology Beijing, green Beijing strategy, Strive to build Beijing into a world-class harmonious and livable city” grand blueprint, Beijing is in the process of “increase and decrease”, promote profound transformation, realize innovation and leadership, strive to do things for the benefit of the people well, and continuously enhance the people’s enthusiasm. Gain a sense of happiness and security.

This is the Shougang Park (panoramic photo) taken on September 6, 2021.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Yuwei

  Reducing development with the determination of a strong man to break his wrist

No. 136, Xizhimenwai Street, Beijing, used to be the largest clothing wholesale distribution center in the north of the zoo wholesale market. It has existed in the city center of Beijing for more than 30 years.

Today, the location of “Dynamic Approval” has been transformed into a national-level financial technology demonstration zone and a park for exploring the pilot mechanism of financial technology innovation. Up to now, a total of 152 key financial technology companies and professional service institutions have been introduced. According to the plan, in 2025, it will become a gathering place for global financial technology leaders.

In 2005, Zhang Wenkai, who started the clothing business in “Dynamic Approval”, still often goes back to the “old place” to see. “It was really lively back then, but there were too many people, traffic jams, and a cluttered environment. The hidden safety hazards and risks made people feel afraid. Now things have changed a lot here.” Zhang Wenkai said.

Traffic congestion, air pollution… “big city disease” once deeply troubled this mega city. The butterfly change of “moving criticism” has become a vivid portrayal of the transformation of the capital’s development model in the past ten years.

The coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is a major national strategy personally planned, deployed and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping. In 2014, Beijing entered a new stage of promoting the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region by relieving non-capital functions.

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Over the past ten years, Beijing has “broken the wrists of strong men”, “turned the blade inwards”, “slim body and fitness” and “improve quality”. It has withdrawn from about 3,000 general manufacturing and polluting enterprises, and relieved and upgraded nearly 1,000 regional professional markets and logistics centers; dismantling illegal The construction exceeds 300 million square meters, and the urban and rural construction land is reduced by 110 square kilometers. During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, the goal of reducing the permanent population in the six districts of the city by 15% compared with 2014 was achieved. Reduced development has become a distinctive feature of the high-quality development of the capital.

After rectification, the beauty of “Yinding Guanshan”, one of the “Yanjing Small Eight Scenic Spots”, has reappeared; Shougang Park has transformed from an industrial site into an Olympic park and a science fiction industrial park, becoming a new landmark for high-quality development in the capital and a place for Internet celebrities to check in.

Reducing the amount of development is a long-term plan, and it is continuously advancing with the goal of improving the function of the capital, the living environment and the quality of the city.

  Improve the level of high-quality development with high-quality “increments”

In the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, a passenger experiences a driverless car with “unmanned main driver and a safety officer in the co-pilot” (photo taken on April 25, 2022).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Peng Ziyang

On Hongda South Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, a reporter called an autonomous vehicle through an application software. Three minutes later, a car came and stopped by the roadside. Waiting for traffic lights, overtaking, and merging, the vehicle drives automatically throughout the process.

Relying on the high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone in Beijing, Beijing will set up the first intelligent networked vehicle policy pilot zone in China in 2021. Unmanned delivery vehicles have been put on the road, highway tests, and unmanned tests. The cumulative safety test mileage is close to 300. million kilometers.

At the event site of the “Beijing Consumption Season, Yuedong Haidian”, citizens buy drinks through the city’s comprehensive service unmanned vehicles (photo taken on June 6, 2020).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Chao

In recent years, Beijing has formed a superposition effect through the construction of an international science and technology innovation center, the construction of “two districts”, the construction of a benchmark city for the global digital economy, the creation of new demand through supply-side structural reform, and the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. “quantity” continued to improve the level of high-quality development.

All 29 scientific facilities platforms planned and constructed during the “13th Five-Year Plan” period in Beijing have been implemented. The number of state-level high-tech enterprises has increased from 3,300 in 2012 to 27,600 in 2021. The world’s major science centers and innovation highlands are under construction. Speed ​​up construction.

In 2015, Beijing became the country’s first comprehensive pilot city for the expansion and opening up of the service industry; in 2020, it shoulders the important task of building a comprehensive demonstration zone for the expansion and opening up of the national service industry and a pilot free trade zone; from 2015 to 2020, the total scale of actual utilization of foreign capital is approximately 96 billion US dollars, accounting for 50% of Beijing’s total since the reform and opening up, and the reform and opening up is advancing in depth.

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“From investment-driven to innovation-driven, the driving force of Beijing’s economic development is changing rapidly,” said Chen Jin, a professor at Tsinghua University. Figures are the best proof. The number of Beijing’s daily increase in technology companies has increased from 110 in 2015 to 270 in 2021, and the number of national high-tech enterprises has increased from 3,300 in 2012 to 27,600 in 2021.

From supporting the landing of global flagship stores or new concept stores of international brands, continuing to promote the transformation and upgrading of key business districts such as Wangfujing and Fangzhuang, and promoting the opening of iconic projects such as Universal Studios theme parks, “Beijing Consumption” has become a global attraction. constantly improving.

Tourists watch a performance at the Universal Studios Beijing theme park (photo taken on June 25, 2022).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin

The construction framework of Beijing’s urban sub-center is opened in an orderly manner: the investment intensity of more than 100 billion yuan is maintained every year; high-quality educational resources such as the East Campus of Renmin University of China, the High School Affiliated to Renmin University, and Beijing Primary School are continuously introduced; the Tongzhou Branch of Beijing Friendship Hospital, Dongzhimen Hospital and other medical institutions Clinics opened one after another; Dongjiao Forest Park and Urban Green Heart Forest Park opened to welcome guests. In the next five years, Tongzhou District will build a high standard into the second phase of the administrative office area, the start area of ​​the Canal Business District, the three major public buildings of the sub-center theater, library and museum, and the sub-center station comprehensive transportation hub and other major projects to promote the urban sub-center framework. Basic molding.

From in-depth development of special actions for relief, rectification and promotion, to high-level construction of Beijing’s urban sub-center, to actively building a modern capital metropolitan area, Beijing strives to promote the in-depth integration of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, strengthen synergy with Tianjin-Hebei, and join hands to build a world-class city group. In the past 8 years, the three places have opened up, widened the connection roads and “bottleneck roads” for more than 2,000 kilometers; Zhongguancun enterprises have set up more than 9,000 branches in Tianjin and Hebei; in 2021, the average number of days with good air quality in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region will reach 79.2 %, an increase of 9.5 percentage points over the previous year.

  Efforts to improve people’s happiness with urban management that is “as fine as embroidery”

To promote high-quality development in the process of “increase and decrease”, the ultimate goal is to continuously satisfy the people’s yearning for a better life.

At the 12345 Citizen Hotline Call Hall in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, a staff member answers the hotline (photo taken on November 13, 2019).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Peng Ziyang

In 2019, Beijing took the appeals of the masses as the “post” to promote government functional departments to report to the grassroots, to the front lines, and to the masses, forming the 12345 hotline as the main channel. A service system for the people that responds to complaints and handles complaints immediately. In the past three years, Beijing has accepted a total of 51.99 million public appeals.

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Technicians from the Beijing Municipal Lighting Management Center inspect street lights in small streets (photo taken on December 31, 2021).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin

On this basis, Beijing selects high-frequency common difficulties from the problems reported by citizens, such as the installation of elevators in old buildings and the centralized charging of electric bicycles, etc. .

“More than 80% of the people in our building are over 60 years old. It is very inconvenient to go out to see a doctor and pick up and drop off children. I have long wanted to install an elevator. Now the ‘elevator dream’ has finally come true.” said Gong Jianxun, who lives in the East District Community of Jianxinyuan, Fengtai District .

In the first half of 2022 alone, 799 new elevators were installed in old buildings in Beijing, solving the problem of “difficulty in obtaining real estate certificates” for 57,000 houses, and 165,000 new centralized charging facilities for electric bicycles.

At the same time, Beijing continues to promote the development and protection of the old city in the process of protection, so that the city can retain its memory and people can remember its nostalgia.

A cruise ship sails on the lake of Beihai Park in Beijing (photo taken on May 14, 2022).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Zhonghao

In 2013, Beijing launched a special action to control illegal land use and illegal construction; in 2017, it launched a three-year action to improve the environment of the back streets and alleys in the core area; Beijing’s “14th Five-Year Plan” Period Protection and Development Plan for Famous Historical and Cultural Cities was approved, specifying key tasks such as strengthening the protection and restoration of historical water systems. From the core area to the six districts of the city, from the sub-center of the city to the plain new city and the ecological conservation area, in the process of remediation and urban renewal, the appearance of Beijing’s ancient capital and the living environment of its citizens are changing with each passing day.

The Caochang Sanli River, which used to be lined with courtyards, now has small bridges, flowing water, corridors, pavilions, and people’s homes, which is quite a water town. Ding Shufeng, a 64-year-old resident, said: “The beautiful scenery of ‘Sanli Water Lane around the front door’ that the older generation said is back, and the taste of old Beijing is also back.”

The changes in the Caochang area are the epitome of Beijing’s use of “embroidery kung fu” to revitalize the stock space resources. Chongyong Street, East-West Cha Hutong at the entrance of Baita Temple Palace, Bajiao Street and other urban renewal projects with exquisite design, various characteristics and satisfaction of the masses have been completed and opened, and more than 3,000 back streets and alleys have changed their old appearances.

Following the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, Beijing adheres to the standard of first good, based on the core functions of the capital, and strives to write a new chapter in the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. (Reporters Li Bin, Kong Xiangxin, Guo Yujing, Zhang Xiao)

Citizens visit the Sanli River in Dongcheng District, Beijing (photo taken on June 7, 2020).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Huanzong

责编:袁晴 ]

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