Home » From corn to soft wheat, the Canavese area works in the food district

From corn to soft wheat, the Canavese area works in the food district

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From corn to soft wheat, the Canavese area works in the food district
The group that participated in the presentation

The initiative presented in the town hall in Strambino on Monday 6

WEIRD. The food district of the Canavese plain, presented in the town hall on Monday 6 to local administrators, could help to represent a territorial identity also for the relaunch of the tourism sector. This is the priority objective and the hope of the Mayor of Strambino Sonia Cambursano who, in her role as managing director of Economic, Productive Development, Tourism and Strategic Planning of the Metropolitan City of Turin, presented the study that is upstream of the district . The manager of the metropolitan city, Elena Di Bella, illustrated the data on agricultural production and regional agricultural areas in 2021. Of the 118 thousand hectares of the agricultural plain of Piedmont, over 67 thousand are in the province of Turin and 15 thousand in the Canavese area.

There are 132 thousand hectares in Piedmont dedicated to the production of corn, of which more than 50 thousand in the province of Turin and 15 thousand in Canavese, compared to just 4 thousand hectares cultivated with soft wheat. These data confirm the need for a reconversion of agricultural production to respond not only to economic needs but, as some of the speakers reiterated, to give life to a new agriculture that is also sustainable from the point of view of the environment, even if not it will be a short and easy process. To this end, it was decided to give life to the Canavese food district which is encouraged by the Piedmont Region. The two officials of the Regional Agriculture Department, Daniela Caracciolo and Silvia Bottaro, illustrated the methods and rules for establishing the District, currently recognized only in the territory of Carmagnola, financed with European funds from the NRP. The Piedmont Region is already working on the preparation of the tenders that should be launched in October 2022 and lead to the recognition of the Districts, an indispensable element for the granting of public funding. From the initial debate, which will continue with agricultural realities and their trade associations, the prevailing hypothesis that emerged is that of the transformation of corn production (not very compatible with the environment, in times of drought and climate change due to large consumption water) with that of soft wheat which requires a lower environmental cost and now, with the sharp increase in the cost of wheat, it has also become economically sustainable.

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