Home » Geovanny Cumbicus assumes the challenge of saving the category of Libertad FC – breaking latest news

Geovanny Cumbicus assumes the challenge of saving the category of Libertad FC – breaking latest news

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Geovanny Cumbicus assumes the challenge of saving the category of Libertad FC – breaking latest news

The president of Libertad Fútbol Club, Marlon Granda, officially introduced the new coach, Geovanny Cumbicus, who took on the tough challenge of saving the team’s category —in 12 games— and avoiding relegation.


The team is joined by Fabián Torres, as technical assistant; Pablo Araneda, physical trainer; and Ilian Castro, video analyst.

The president of the club pointed out that having a high-class and particularly lojano coach at the head of the team, “takes more than 50% of the weight off my shoulders that I have been carrying during this time —because of so much improvisation—,” he said.

He added that it is not easy to direct a club that, in such a short time, has managed to catapult itself to where it is, because Libertad FC, at present, is among the 5 highest grossing clubs in the country, for this reason, Loja and the fans deserve to have professional football.

For his part, Geovanny Cumbicus, the club’s brand new technical director, stated that he joins with the intention of leaving his mark. “Immediately we are going to start working, talk to the players and think about what these 12 games that are final will be and leave everything on the field; convince us that the main objective is for the team to continue in the first category, ”he said.

He indicated that the libertarian group was always complicated when facing it; “This team has an essence that we must awaken and strengthen, in addition, we will try to give it an identity and that it can show it in each game,” he pointed out.

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The club, in the three dates of the second stage, has achieved two defeats and one draw, placing it in position 15. “This Sunday, August 27, 2023, we have the first final at the hands of our leadership and we will face a complicated team like It is Aucas, we are optimistic that it will be possible to add, “he said. (D)


Presentation of the new coaching staff of Libertad FC.


Players, on the playing field, together with the new coach.

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