Home » Giorgetti: ‘Citizenship income must become citizenship work’

Giorgetti: ‘Citizenship income must become citizenship work’

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The changes to citizenship income, which the government and the minister of Lavoor Orlando are thinking about, are already making the majority discuss. the League in the morning immediately explained his idea: «We must begin to think about citizenship work. The Italian constitution states that it is work that makes us fully citizens. The effort is to transform citizenship income into citizenship work ”, explained the Minister of Economic Development Giancarlo Giorgetti, answering a question on citizenship income on the sidelines of the Salone del Mobile.

Citizenship income, Giorgetti: “Transforming it into citizenship work”

«What does the M5S do if the Citizenship Income is canceled? It would be the breaking of a pact of loyalty and a logic of support and collaboration: but the M5s will support the government since Draghi has confirmed that he shares the measure. Period, ”he replied Giuseppe Conte on TV. Who then attacked: «In these days we are witnessing a shameful campaign against citizenship income. I find it a coward and foolish that political exponents, moreover with privileged economic treatments, ask to abrogate a measure of civility towards those who have nothing ». When asked about «how long will the Draghi government last?», Conte replied: «I don’t have a glass ball. We support it and we will continue to support it loyally and to give our contribution so that social policies can help to improve the country and for the needs of citizens ”. On Lega and Fratelli d’Italia, the people’s advocate explained: “I hope that the newfound harmony between Salvini and Meloni is not against the poor, I would be very sorry”.

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Matteo Renzi, one of the critics of the measure for how it was implemented, wanted to distance himself from the League by explaining that there is no harmony with Salvini: «I am in harmony with Salvini and Meloni on citizenship income? This creates a certain amazement for me. Salvini now wants to abolish him but it is the same who put him in the yellow-green government. At the same time, I am struck by the attitude of the Democratic Party which in the elections had said no and yes to the Rei, the measure introduced by my government and then by that of Gentiloni ». Renzi then concluded his reasoning thus: “I hope Draghi will think about it, otherwise the referendum will come and we will ask citizens if they want to continue giving money for citizenship income”.

Also Roberto I am, Speaker of the Chamber but a leading exponent of the M5S, clarified as Conte that income remains: «Citizenship income is a very important measure for people in difficulty. The M5S will defend it ». “If there are improvements to be made – added Fico – they will be made, but the income remains, it is an excellent measure that has made an important contribution to people in difficulty”.

But the differences between Pd and M5S, at least on this, seem significant. An important Dem exponent, the governor of Emilia Romagna Stefano Bonaccini, he explained: «I am in favor of citizenship income, it must not be canceled, but it must be reviewed because it has shown some evident cracks and has not fulfilled some objectives it had set itself, such as helping to find work. But I am against its cancellation ». “We – Bonaccini told Radio Capital – were the first to introduce a measure of this type together with Puglia, which was then canceled when the Citizenship Income came into effect”. As for the expression of Giorgia Meloni, who criticized it by comparing it to methadone, Bonaccini said “I don’t like the expression itself, but Meloni has the merit wrong: citizenship income is a tool that exists in all Western countries , it gives oxygen to those who need to breathe ».

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