Home » Girl defended her boyfriend with an AR15 and ran away the thieves in Texas (Video)

Girl defended her boyfriend with an AR15 and ran away the thieves in Texas (Video)

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Girl defended her boyfriend with an AR15 and ran away the thieves in Texas (Video)

The use of weapons for self-defense is a controversial topic that has once again been brought to the forefront with a recent incident in Texas, United States. A video captured by security cameras shows a woman using a machine gun to scare off two criminals who were attempting to rob her partner.

The footage, which quickly went viral on social media, shows the victim being accosted by the armed thieves in a hallway. The situation quickly escalates into a struggle before the woman, believed to be the victim’s girlfriend, appears on the scene with a submachine gun. She points the weapon at the criminals, who promptly flee the scene.

The incident has sparked debate about the use of firearms for self-defense, with some praising the woman for her quick thinking and bravery, while others question the necessity of resorting to such extreme measures. Regardless of the opinions, the video serves as a stark reminder of the violence that can occur on the streets and the lengths some are willing to go to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Authorities are investigating the incident, but so far no arrests have been made. The victim and his girlfriend have not been identified, and it is unclear if they will face any legal consequences for their actions. As the debate continues, one thing is clear – this story is far from over.

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