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Giulia Tramontano’s boyfriend confesses everything

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Giulia Tramontano’s boyfriend confesses everything

The body of Giulia Tramontano, the 29-year-old seventh month pregnant who has been missing for days, has been found in an abandoned green area in the town of Senago. It was her boyfriend Alessandro Impagnatiello, arrested for murder, who found the woman’s body. “I killed her”, confessed the 30-year-old barman during interrogation at the Senago barracks. It was the man who indicated to the investigators where the body of her partner was.

Stabbed to death

According to an initial examination, he first stabbed her, killing her, and then tried to burn her body in vain. To get rid of the woman, the 30-year-old wrapped her body in plastic bags and some sheets he had at home. He dragged him from the apartment also passing on the stairs of the building to his car. He later abandoned the body in a cavity of a garage in a building in via Monte Rosa, about half a kilometer from home.

Sister: “We’re dead too”

“We will always be that flower leaning on your shoulder. We will support you both, we will be like clouds and we will always look up. I would like to shout it to the world how I feel, but the words die in my throat”. Thus begins the dramatic farewell of Chiara Tramontano, sister of Giulia, the 29-year-old woman killed in the Milanese area while she was seven months pregnant, entrusted to a post on Instagram. “Because – writes Chiara – I died slowly in these five days. We are dead. So that you are never alone. We came with you, to be able to cradle, hug, touch. Because I wanted to be the best aunt ever, if I wish they had let me. We wish we had done more to bring you home. Please… tell me: was that enough? Did you hear us? Because we don’t hear anything anymore”. In another story, the woman posted an image of the family reunited, thanking all those who participated in the search “from the depths of the heart of a broken family, of brothers who have not had the opportunity to rock their nephew”.

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Collapsed after examination on apartment building stairs

When he saw the specialists of the scientific investigation section of the carabinieri analyzing the common stairs of the condominium, Alessandro Impagnatiello collapsed and decided to confess to the murder.

Around 10 pm, the barman, accompanied by the military, had briefly returned home to recover some personal items from the apartment in via Novella seized by the investigators. Perhaps convinced that he had cleaned up the traces of the murder in the house, it was not the same for the common areas of the building where in the night between Saturday and Sunday he allegedly passed dragging the body of his girlfriend. Already in his Volkswagen T-Roc yesterday afternoon the white overalls of the Arma had found some bloodstains. In the long interrogation that took place last night with the prosecutor Alessia Menegazzo and the carabinieri of the investigative unit Impagnatiello said he acted alone without the help of accomplices.

Engaged transferred to San Vittore

Impagnatiello was transferred from the Senago carabinieri barracks to the Milanese prison of San Vittore. The detention issued by the prosecutor Alessia Menegazzo is being notified in which the barman is accused of aggravated voluntary homicide, suppression of a corpse and non-consensual abortion

Pm: “It is premeditated voluntary homicide”

“Analysis of online searches allowed us to understand the ways in which the suspect decided to kill his partner and how to get rid of the body. The methods had been thought out, studied and organized. This is why it was contested premeditation,” prosecutor Alessia Menegazzo, head of the Carabinieri investigations, said at a press conference. “The story must teach us women that we must never go to the explanation meeting. It is a moment never to be lived because it is extremely dangerous” underlined the deputy prosecutor Letizia Mannella in the press conference.

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Sister Chiara: “Thanks for your help, we are destroyed”

Thank you. Thank you for giving us the hope of finding her. Thank you for believing and helping us. right to be such”. Chiara Tramontano, Giulia’s sister, entrusts her thoughts to a story on Instagram of her. “Our family will always be united like in this photo,” she adds, sharing an image of all smiling together, mom, dad and children.

The lover: “Alessandro lied to both”

With Giulia “we confided and we agreed that Alessandro had lied to us, to both,” said the 23-year-old who had been in a relationship with Impagnatiello. To suspect that something strange had happened were the messages exchanged with Giulia after she had returned home to Senago. “In my opinion you were writing to me in a different way”, you put on record last Monday before the Senago carabinieri. When “we met” around 5pm on Saturday at the Armani Hotel “Giulia was convinced she wanted to talk to all three of us together, and to find an explanation” while in the messages received between 8.30pm and 9.50pm “she wrote to me that she was not was honest with me and to leave her alone and that she wanted to go home (I think she meant her home in Naples). After that, Giulia never replied to any message in the chat”.

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