Home » Goma: 5 provincial governors reflect on their common development challenges

Goma: 5 provincial governors reflect on their common development challenges

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The governors of the five eastern provinces of the DRC have been reflecting, since Monday, July 24 in Goma, on common strategies aimed at meeting the development challenges of their respective entities. This is the first “regional conversation” organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and MONUSCO.

This activity for three days, under the coordination of the Congolese Ministry of Planning the governors of these provinces:

North Kivu South Kivu Maniema Ituri Tanganyika.

Accompanied by members of their provincial governments, they will reflect on coordinated responses to development, security and environmental challenges in their neighboring provinces. The objective is to promote cooperation between these eastern provinces, which generally face similar challenges, explains Isaac Musokoro Kayaya, according to a UNDP expert:

“Beyond the security crises, there are natural disasters and climate change, which have had repercussions that go beyond the framework of a single province. Note also the development challenges, due to the weak presence of State authority in certain areas. These eastern provinces also experience similar socio-political realities as they face the East African zone”.

At the end of these three days of this “regional conversation”, the five governors should produce a joint plea for interprovincial cooperation in development sectors, the prevention of the security crisis and responses to the effects of climate change and natural disasters…

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