Home » Green light from the CDM to the “bridge” decree for the single check

Green light from the CDM to the “bridge” decree for the single check

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ROME (ITALPRESS) – The Council of Ministers approved the “bridge” decree law for the single allowance in 2021. “With the child allowance, the first piece of the Family Act becomes reality. President Draghi had promised it and today Italy wins, with a policy of vision and investment in the new generations. It is a clear commitment that Italian families had been waiting for for years and that finally recognizes the value that every child and every child have in the life of the whole our community “, affirms the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family, Elena Bonetti. “The single allowance for children arrives from July 1st: it was decided by the Council of Ministers. In this first phase it will affect the self-employed and the unemployed, who at the moment do not receive any family allowance – comments Mariastella Gelmini, Minister for Regional Affairs and autonomies -. So we want to give, immediately, concrete help to the unsecured, to those who have suffered most of the hardships due to the pandemic. This is an important acceleration that the government has strongly wanted to give to a strategic measure that will be for all realities starting from January 2022. Families must be supported with determination: after the GDP we must also increase the birth rate again. Italy must return to a country that believes in the future, and children are the positive projection that each of us has towards tomorrow “. “Another result obtained, we continue to work to bring home more and more useful measures for citizens. The single check will be a concrete support also for the self-employed, VAT numbers and obviously for employees – explains Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio. -. Let’s lay solid foundations and build the Italy of the future brick by brick: a country with more opportunities. It is time to put the work of these months into practice, let the facts speak. “A new idea of ​​a country is taking shape which will provide, when fully operational, a universalistic system, aimed at employees, the self-employed, professionals, the incompetent, citizenship and continuous income earners, inversely proportional to the ISEE level. A goal that we had given ourselves. A concrete commitment to families, which represents a pillar of a new welfare model that we are building for the youngest “, writes Labor Minister Andrea Orlando on Facebook. (ITALPRESS). sat / red 04-Jun-21 19:46

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