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Gyeryong Scholarship Foundation delivers scholarships to young athletes

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Gyeryong Scholarship Foundation delivers scholarships to young athletes

[대전=뉴시스]Reporter Kwak Sang-hoon = The Gyeryong Scholarship Foundation announced on the 21st that it had awarded 9.7 million won in scholarships to 56 elementary and middle school students in Daejeon who won excellent prizes at the 52nd National Boys Sports Festival. The athletic encouragement scholarship awarded this time was given to Daejeon players who performed excellently at the National Youth Sports Festival held in Ulsan from the 27th to the 30th of last month. Reaped. Chairman Lee Seung-chan said, “I am so proud of our young players who are constantly working hard for their dreams, and I am happy that they have led to good results.” Meanwhile, since the establishment of the foundation in 1992, the total amount of scholarships awarded to the Gyeryong Scholarship Foundation has reached 6,644,660,000 won for 15,755 people. ◎Sympathy Media Newsis [email protected]

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