Home » He spent four days partying with a bullet in the head

He spent four days partying with a bullet in the head

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He spent four days partying with a bullet in the head

Mateus Facio, a 21-year-old young man, spent four days partying without realizing that he had been shot in the head.

The incident occurred at a New Year’s Eve celebration in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, when he felt a strong impact on his skull.

He thought it was a stone thrown.

Upon noticing that he was bleeding, the student tried to stop the bleeding until he reached where he was staying.

As explained in the local media Jornal Nacional, he simply took a shower and went out partying again.

The next day, Mateus drove 310 kilometers to Juiz de Fora, in Minas Gerais, where the party continued for four days.

Already at home, hungover, he began to have spasms in his arms and went to a hospital, where doctors discovered that he had a bullet. “Some of it had entered her brain.

This caused compression of the region and involuntary movements of the arm,” explains neurosurgeon Flávio Falcometa.

Two hours of intervention were what the doctors needed to remove the projectile from Mateus, who had to spend two days in intensive care after the operation.

“By a few millimeters it could have caused much more serious damage. His arm or half his body could have been paralyzed. It was risky, very risky for the patient. We believe that in 20, 30 days, he will continue with his normal life,” predicts neurosurgeon Flávio Falcometa.

“That a person spends four days of fista with a bullet in the head and until then has not felt anything is inexplicable. He was born again,” said his mother, Luciana Facio.

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