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He stabbed his partner: sentenced to 24 years

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He stabbed his partner: sentenced to 24 years

Twenty-four years of imprisonment, with generic and equivalent extenuating circumstances, for having massacred his partner Aurelia Laurenti with 19 stab wounds in the neck and face on November 25, 2020: this is the sentence imposed by the Court of Assizes of Udine on the former nurse Giuseppe Mario Forciniti, 34, for voluntary murder aggravated by cohabitation.

The Court, chaired by Paolo Alessio Vernì, a latere Judge Carla Missera, sentenced the accused to compensate the civil parties, with a sum to be quantified separately, establishing an immediately enforceable provisional payment of 400 thousand euros in favor of the offended parties and declaring the suspension, during the sentence, of the power parental and the indignity to succeed Laurenti.

The couple’s last quarrel was triggered by a smiling family portrait published by the accused on instagram with the caption “just us”, just before 6pm. “I realize – said prosecutor Facchin – that to pronounce this word, life sentence, it makes everyone tremble. Not only the accused, but the prosecutor himself. The father to life imprisonment, after the children have already lost their mother. The prosecutor’s office has no satisfaction in asking for it, we must apply the law, it is an obligatory alternative “.


Facchin highlighted how the accused continued to hit his partner even when she had bled to the ground, demonstrating the persistence of the will to kill her.

The prosecutor concentrated his indictment on the murder, defining a secondary framework for the context in which he matured, that of a “seriously deteriorated” couple relationship with frequent quarrels.

The autopsy revealed that there were five lethal blows, but “one would have been enough to kill her”.

As for the superficial wounds on the hands and abdomen of the accused, according to the prosecutor, they were not defensive injuries: he would have procured them while raging on his partner. Facchin observed that all versions are possible, but the final outcome does not change: “A savage, almost ritual murder.”

According to the prosecution and the plaintiff Antonio Malattia, the defendant’s narration is unreliable: the dynamics of the struggle he described from the logical and mechanical point of view are not credible and equally inexplicable, given that he does not suffer from pathologies, Amnesia of Forciniti, who reported not remembering anything after the first stab.

The prosecution and the plaintiff claimed that it was the accused who entered the room with the knife and that Aurelia did not attack him.

Otherwise, what sense would it have made to disappear the murder weapon in the dumpster? The lawyer Malattia added that Forciniti has locked the dog in the laundry to have free rein.

Facchin glimpsed in the actions of the accused “a precise, continuous and uninterrupted awareness of everything he did” and “an absolute coldness” even after the crime: he threw the knife, took the children to their aunt, telephoned their parents, she told her dad that Aurelia was dead.

“A person in shock does rash things, but he did everything scientifically.” The fact that he always struck Aurelia in the neck and face of her would also be a demonstration of this, “the woman’s desire to erase.”

The fury with which he continued to inflict the blows on her borders, according to the accusation, the aggravating circumstance of cruelty, not contested. According to the prosecutor, the fact that Forciniti turned himself in and made the policemen find the knife is not enough to demonstrate the willingness to collaborate with the investigators: the murder weapon would have been found anyway and he could not have gone anywhere. .

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As for the stress Aurelia suffered from the family situation, “it cannot be an excuse”.
“Either with you or with anyone. This is what you have always promised me. ” The words written by the accused in a message dated 28 October 2020, a month before the crime, “draw the boundaries of that cage in which Aurelia lived before she died” according to the plaintiff lawyer Antonio Malattia.

The lawyer described an atmosphere of violence, abuse and blackmail suffered by the victim before the crime, highlighting how Aurelia’s confidences to family and friends are reflected in the vocals and messages found in the defendant’s cell phone.

“Aurelia was terrified of going home and finding herself alone with him.” Circumstances denied by the defense.

The lawyer Malattia believes that the accused did not tolerate the insult that others knew that Aurelia no longer wanted him, “an affront to his intolerable virility, the result of a culture that is unfortunately still too present” in which the woman is considered an object who has no right to his own freedom. “It is necessary to eradicate this way of thinking.”

The lawyer Ernesto De Toni, defender of the accused, concluded for the sentence to the minimum penalty provided for by the code for the hypothesis of murder with possible fraud, with the recognition of the generic equivalent to the aggravating circumstance and the mitigating circumstance of the provocation.

According to the defense, Forciniti tried to hit her to protect himself, caused by the sudden appearance of the knife in her hands. The victim’s warlike intentions were announced in a group chat: “I’ll kill him before he kills me.”

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In the defense the defendant entered the room to kiss his son goodnight and was attacked first with fists and scratches on the back (the signs were photographed that night in the police station before the arrest) and then with a knife.

Forciniti grabbed the blade, injuring himself in the palms, then he superimposed his hands on Aurelia’s on the handle and, as they fought, the first blow, one of the five lethal, hit the woman in the neck.

At that point, according to the defense, having reached the point of no return, Forciniti fell into an emotional shock, he no longer understood anything, he doesn’t even remember what he did, he raged on the woman, “the experience with Aurelia came out “.

After the crime, his first thought was to secure the children, he meditated on suicide, then he decided to stay alive for the children and to answer for what he did.

The defendant was a respected professional nurse, who worked in a covid ward, had a clean record and, according to the defense, had impeccable procedural behavior.

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