Home » Healthcare Workers Begin One of the Largest Strikes in US History Demanding Better Conditions and Benefits

Healthcare Workers Begin One of the Largest Strikes in US History Demanding Better Conditions and Benefits

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Healthcare Workers Begin One of the Largest Strikes in US History Demanding Better Conditions and Benefits

Healthcare workers are taking a stand in California as they embark on one of the largest health strikes in the United States. Since 6:00 a.m. on Wednesday, approximately 75,000 employees at 39 Kaiser Permanente hospitals have begun a 72-hour protest demanding better working conditions and benefits. This is their first negotiation of the collective contract since the start of the pandemic.

The workers, represented by the United Healthcare Workers of the West union, are pushing for a 27% salary increase over the four-year duration of the contract, among other requests. However, negotiations with Kaiser have not reached an agreement, with the employer countering with a 16% wage increase and protections against subcontracting. The union accuses Kaiser of negotiating in bad faith.

The impact of the strike is expected to be significant, with pickets present at several hospitals. While doctors are not participating, nurses, healthcare assistants, administrative staff, cafeteria and cleaning workers, laboratory technicians, and optometrists are among those on strike. The protest is set to disrupt services in numerous healthcare centers.

“We are demanding that the workers’ crisis ends. We need more employees,” said Rocío Chacón, an administrative employee and member of the negotiating committee. Chacón highlighted the physical and economic toll on workers, with some forced to work long hours and sleep in their cars due to unaffordable rent in Southern California.

One of the key demands of the union is an increase in the minimum wage to $25. Kaiser currently offers between $21 and $25 depending on the worker’s location. Workers argue that there is a shortage of staff, leading to healthcare assistants and doctors having to work double shifts to cope with the workload. This situation has resulted in longer waiting times for patients, with delays in receiving x-rays and scheduled appointments.

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Kaiser Permanente, one of the largest health service providers and insurers in the United States, insists that it offers higher compensation to its employees compared to its competitors. The healthcare group reported second-quarter net profits of $2.1 billion and revenue of $25 billion. However, the company claims that increased costs and staffing shortages have impacted their financials.

The outcome of these negotiations and protests will have a significant impact on the healthcare sector. If an agreement is not reached, another 72-hour strike is planned for November. Additionally, healthcare workers are closely watching a pending law awaiting California Governor Gavin Newsom’s signature. The legislation would raise the minimum wage for healthcare workers to $25 per hour, benefiting 455,000 workers if approved.

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