Home Ā» Hebi City’s 2023 “National Science and Technology Workers’ Day” Symposium Held

Hebi City’s 2023 “National Science and Technology Workers’ Day” Symposium Held

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Release time: 09:59 on May 30, 2023Source: Hebi DailyViews:

On the morning of May 29, the 2023 “National Science and Technology Workers’ Day” symposium was held in Hebi City. Hong Limin, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended and delivered a speech. Vice Mayor Li Xiaoli delivered a speech, and Zhang Hongbo, vice chairman of the CPPCC and chairman of the Municipal Association for Science and Technology, presided over the meeting.

Hong Limin, on behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, extended holiday greetings and high respect to the vast number of scientific and technological workers who have long struggled in the front line of science and technology. He pointed out that the vast number of scientific and technological workers should actively participate in the vivid practice of building a high-quality development demonstration city in the new era, and write the era of scientific and technological workers with new achievements and achievements. It is necessary to foster patriotism, vigorously promote the spirit of scientists in the new era, ignite creative passion with patriotism, and transform patriotic feelings into creative actions. It is necessary to bravely climb the peak of science and technology, break through more “stuck neck” technical problems, continue to improve the quality and efficiency of science and technology supply, and fuel and empower high-quality development. We must always keep the people in mind, take the continuous satisfaction of the people’s yearning for a better life as the starting point and goal of scientific and technological innovation, promote the benefits of scientific and technological innovation to benefit people’s livelihood, be the vanguard of science popularization, carry out in-depth scientific and technological service activities, and create great achievements in science and technology for the people . It is necessary to be a good “external brain think tank”, focus on the major needs of high-quality development, effectively serve the scientific decision-making of the party committee and the government, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of a high-quality development demonstration city in the new era.

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Hong Limin emphasized that party committees and governments at all levels should implement innovation-driven development strategies in depth, focus on cultivating first-class innovation ecology and industrial ecology, and continuously create new advantages and add new momentum for high-quality development. Science and technology associations at all levels should give full play to the role of the “home of scientific and technological workers”, build a platform for scientific and technological workers to innovate and start businesses, provide services, and be a good “mother’s family”.

At the meeting, representatives of scientific and technological workers shared their experience and insights in promoting innovation and development around the theme of “igniting the engine of scientific innovation and stimulating new impetus for high-quality development”; played a special film to pay tribute to scientific and technological workers “Lifting the Torch, Lighting Up A City”.

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